Monday, June 25, 2012

June 24, 2012

Outside Temp: 67 F (it was in the 80's today... ugh... I'm not looking forward to summer!)

What I cooked today:
Frozen Pizza: I know, it's terrible, but it's kind of like food and it was really easy to make.  I didn't want to make anything, with it being so hot in the house.  (I know, mid 80's isn't really that hot, but I don't like it).  Maybe I'll do the crock pot tomorrow, so I don't have to heat the house.

Ryan is feeling better today (as always once he gets some antibiotics in his system).  His fevers were broken after his second dose of antibiotics.  He is still feeling a little ucky, and he still feels warm to the touch, but it looks like things are getting better.  The nurses said that his culture came back positive, so it's a line infection (duh, we already knew that).  They were able to stop one of the antibiotics, since they have some idea of what is growing.  Hopefully, tomorrow they will have more information.

Grandma switched with me, so that I could come home and work (oh joy).  Which means that the rest of the afternoon, I spent fighting my computer to try to get it to do something that it didn't want to do.

The kids went up and helped Grandpa with some work around the house (mostly just to get them out of our hair, so we could work uninterrupted).  I think that this whole 'work' thing is totally overrated and I can't understand why anyone does it.

Oh well, hopefully with a good night's sleep, I'll be back in my normal chipper mood tomorrow!

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