Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, 2012

Outside Temp: 53 F (totally wild weather today... see below)

What I cooked today:
Lemon Chicken with Fried Rice:  I asked the kids what they wanted for dinner: burgers, chili or chicken.  It was unanimous.  They wanted chicken.  So, I started the chicken and when I went to put the sherry into the sauce, we didn't have any sherry.  So, I had to make up something else to add into the chicken for a sauce.  I put in some fresh lemon juice, and some soy sauce with a little sesame oil.  It turned out really good and they asked for it again soon!

The weather today was wild.  Not normal wild, but really wild.

After yesterday's complaints about the weather, I was all set for another hot, humid, annoying day with lots of bugs.  We all went to bed with bugs all around our rooms (which leads to lots of complaints from my kids).  Connor woke me up at 7:45 to let me know that there were bugs in the shower (I think my response was something along the lines of "get over it... I don't care", but since it was 7:45, I think I was entitled to a lame response). 

We had opened up the windows last night, so it was warm but not hot.  As the morning progressed, it got warmer (into the 80's) and no wind.  By 11am, the windows were closed and the AC was on, with the fans, and we settled into work complaining about the annoying heat.

Then, suddenly, around noon, the wind picked up and it cooled off.  The wind was amazing!  It went from still as could be to dust devils and rattling of the windows.  The tarp that we had to shade the chickens blew off (even though it was attached to the fence with zip-ties).  Grandpa said that the chicken coop (the wooden one they are building, that weighs about 500 lbs) blew all the way over.  Boy are we glad that there were no chickens in there!

The best part was that the temperature dropped about 15 degrees in about 30 minutes.  One minute, it was in the high 80s.  The next, it was in the low 70's and dropping fast.

We immediately opened every window and door to the house, and turned off the AC.  The house was cool in no time!  In fact, at one point, around 6pm, one of the kids actually complained that it was too cold!  Granted, it was about 60 degrees outside, so I guess he might have had a point. 

So, all prior complaints about the weather are gone now, please forget I ever said them.

In other news, Ryan is doing great.  The plan is to make our 'great escape' back home tomorrow, which is totally stinking awesome.  They take such good care of us at Benefis Hosptial! 

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