Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19, 2012

Outside Temp: 48 F (it was chilly today... like in the 40's chilly.  Some rain, then clear this evening.)

What I cooked today:
Nothing: We had dinner out, so I didn't need to make anything.  I'm actually looking forward to having the kids back so I can justify making food.

Work, work and more work.  Since we are leaving for Seattle tomorrow, we both worked like crazy today.  I did manage to clean up a little bit, so that the house isn't totally trashed when we get home.  Boy, I hate that. 

Grandpa saved us from our toil and took us out to dinner at the Lazy Doe.  I love the beef there (I think they get it from the same wholesale meat place that we do).  Ryan loves going there, since he gets to play Foosball.  We also got to walk around outside, throwing rocks into the river and such.  He really wanted to play pool with the older boys, but I told him 'no'.  Boy was he mad at me.

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