Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9, 2012

Outside Temp: 47 F (Clear and pretty today... I heard there was a chance of thunderstorms, but no luck.  Perhaps tonight, while we're sleeping... )

What I cooked today:
Eggs (and breakfast burritos): I didn't know how much I liked breakfast burritos!  I got a ton of tortillas and shredded cheese at the store this week, since the kids are really enjoying quesadillas.  So, I made up some scrambled eggs and tossed in some cheese.  Allen just ate it like that, but I put the eggs in a tortilla with some salsa... Awesome!!

Burgers and mashed potatoes:  After church, everyone was saying they were hungry.  So, I needed something quick and easy.  Old standby, here we come.  The funny part was Patrick complaining saying, "I don't want burgers, I want soup." (I know, big shocker there!).  But, as I was setting the table he said "Mmmm, that smells really good!".  Typical.

I woke up kind of early (around 9am) and the sun was shining and the birds were singing (no, I'm not kidding, we sleep with the windows open and the birds were really loud this morning!).  So, I got up and went for a walk around Raynesford.  I know, it's only a block long.  I had time to chat at the post office and with the neighbors.  I love it!

So, I should preface today's post by saying that our family is totally spoiled.  And, we like computer games.  Oh, did I mention we were spoiled? 

There is this game.  It's an online game.  And everyone in the family (except Ryan, but I figure by this time next year, he'll be right there with us) likes to play this game.  Oh, and it's an evil time suck game.  Like, you can play it for hours and not even notice things like food or water or bathroom needs.  You just stay attached to the monitor like it's Soma.  It's evil.

The game is not actually available to play like a normal game, but they do have Beta weekends, where people who really want to play the game can play while it's being developed.  But you have to pre-purchase the game.  I knew two months ago, that we would be purchasing a few copies of this game.  So, last month, I budgeted for 2 copies (at $59.95 a pop!).  There was one Beta weekend last month, and Patrick, Connor, Allen and Katie were on for as long as possible (but there was a fair amount of fighting and complaints and whining going on, and you can bet that I never even thought about playing). 

This month, I budgeted for another 2 copies, knowing how things would go.  We have four computers with pretty awesome graphics cards (the other computers are great at boring things, like MS Word or Facebook or YouTube).  So, we went ahead and got two more copies of the game (for a total of 4!).  I even allowed myself to play for a little bit (okay, about 8 hours, but who's counting).

So, last night, I went to bed around midnight.  Patrick quit around 3am.  Katie was done by 4am and Connor fell asleep around 5:30am.  Allen pulled an all-nighter and was still awake when I got up at 9am.  I proceeded to send him to bed, where he tossed and turned for about 30 minutes, then declared that he wasn't tired, and got back on the computer. 

Around 11am, I explained that the reason he was so cold was because he was tired.  Idiot.  I threw him back to bed and he slept until 5:30, when we got ready for church.  This was actually convenient, since it meant that Allen didn't have to fight Katie or Connor for the game, and Patrick and I could play as well.  There were a few hours of non-fighting, with me still doing all my 'mom' things, like food and drinks and playing with Ryan and laundry.  But, hey.  I'm the mom.  What do I expect?  I mean, can you see Patrick getting up off his game to do the laundry?  There's only 2 1/2 days of playing time!  (The Beta event ends at midnight tomorrow night).

The worst part is that I actually enjoy the game.  I hate that I'm enjoying it so much.  There are so many other things I can be doing, but I'm stuck at the computer, playing a game.  I'm probably going to be working on the web site for the school tomorrow, so I hope that I won't be tempted to play for hours tomorrow as well.  The good news is that it ends on Sunday night, so even if I do decide to indulge, it can't continue on to Monday. 

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