Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11, 2012

Outside Temp: 47 F (Clear as a bell and beautiful today!  No rain, although I expect it tomorrow or later this week...)

What I cooked today:
Steaks: We still had 5 steaks left from our meat order a week and a half ago.  I just couldn't justify freezing really good steak (although I probably should have).  It was totally awesome.  And I've finally figured out how to tell if the steak is done by pressing on it, rather than using the meat thermometer.  The kids were licking their plates, literally!  I guess I did good.

Ryan had speech therapy in Stanford this morning, at the library, which was totally awesome since it meant that I didn't have to drive all the way into Lewistown tomorrow.  His therapist said that Mondays worked for her, so we'll do that for his remaining 2 sessions of summer school.

I really like it because it means that I get to go to the library and chat with the librarian and read books, which are always good things.  There is another student there, and Ryan got to play with him.  I love seeing Ryan interact with other kids!

This evening, our after dinner conversation included descriptions of Logical Fallacies during arguments.  We found a list that detailed, in simple terms, the top 12-15 logical fallacies that people usually use.  Things like the Ad Hominem (attacking someone personally instead of the argument), or the Slippery Slope (A always leads to Z, and Z is bad, so A must be bad). 

Then we proceeded to attempt to recognize the fallacy and refute it appropriately.  The kids had a blast and really had fun learning new things.  I love that they might be able to argue better, and to recognize when other people have bad arguments.  Boy, do I miss homeschooling sometimes.  But, perhaps that's what summer is for!

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