Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25, 2012

Outside Temp: 68 F (it was in the 80's today, but no wind and really humid so it kind of sucked.)

What I cooked today:
Mexican Lasagna: I didn't want to cook.  I didn't want to turn on the oven.  I didn't want to stand over a hot stove.  However, love for my family made me suffer and make something.  On top of that, I really, really didn't want to make burgers again.  This was super easy, just ground beef with tomatoes and taco seasoning.  Then corn tortillas on the bottom, beef stuff, more tortillas, salsa and cheese.  Into the oven for 20(ish) minutes.  Patrick raved about it.  I used leftover salsa from Chili's (which Patrick loves), but the kids said it was a little spicy.  I can see now that I have to learn to make my own salsa, just so that I can make it in such a way that the kids will eat it. 

Ryan is back to his old self, asking for XBox games and watching movies (and pausing them when it gets to the kissing scene and saying 'Ooooohhhh, no kissing!').

Grandma is still in the hospital with him, so I've been able to work all day.  Patrick and I will be done with this project soon (I hope!!).  Until then, we spent the day inside, complaining about the heat.

It's normally quite windy here, which is great since even if it's hot, you get the wind, so it blows the hot air around and makes you believe it's cooler than it really is.  But, today, there was no wind. 

So, we gave up and closed up the house and turned on the portable air conditioner.  You know those air conditioners that sit in the window?  It's not that kind.  It stands on the floor and is about 2-3 feet high.  There is a tube that goes out the window. 

The unit is in Ryan's room, since when he gets home, he's the least able to handle the heat.  And we have this jerry-rigged Styrofoam thing in the window, to let the tube vent the hot air out.  But, since the window slides left to right (not up and down), the tube is not really designed for this kind of window. 

Anyway, we had the AC turned up to high, and then we closed every door in the house except that one.  We added a curtain between the kitchen and the family room, to try to keep the cool air in a smaller square area.  Then we turned off every light we could (but of course, there were 4 computers turned on, so I guess we still generated a large amount of heat).  We denied the kids the ability to use the toaster or the microwave, out of fear that they might cause a small amount of heat.  And it was still 82 degrees in the house! 

Around 7pm tonight, it started cooling off outside, so we gave up our 'cool the house' routine, and opened up all the windows.  Of course, 4 of the windows don't have screens, and with mosquitoes, I really didn't want to open those up.  Finally, around 10pm, it's starting to cool off in the house (it's in the mid 70's now).  I really hope that it cools off tonight, and then we'll start over again tomorrow!  It supposed to be warm for the rest of the week.  And it's only June!

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