Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2, 2012

Outside Temp: 53 F (Thunderstorms today... awesome!)

What I cooked today:
Hot Dogs: I know, lame.  I really, really didn't want to make dinner.  So, I told everyone they would be on their own.  Then, I suggested hot dogs, in the microwave, like usual.  Then Patrick asked if I could make them in the frying pan, since that's so much better.  So, I ended up cooking anyway.  Of course, he said they tasted wonderful, so I guess that makes up for it... sort of.

Still sick, although I'm getting better.  I've decided that I don't want to be sick anymore, so, gosh darn it, I'm not going to be sick tomorrow.  It's annoying!

I'm not quite sure what went on today, since I managed to sleep through most of it.  And when I wasn't sleeping, I was asking everyone to be quiet so I could sleep.  Of course, it's hard to sleep when you can't breathe through your nose, but I sure tried.

The boys went over to church tonight, without us, which is really cool.  I knew that neither Patrick nor I were going to go, since I was sleeping and I have no idea what Patrick was doing.  So, we asked the boys if they wanted to go without us.  They said yes, which was kind of surprising, but awesome just the same.  I think it helps that it's a whopping block from the house.  But they seem to really enjoy the homily.  I can't imagine a 10 and 13 year old going to church, without any parents making them.  But, then again, my kids aren't normal!

Around 8pm, as the sun was thinking about going down, so I sent everyone outside to get some fresh air.  They decided to play some baseball.  And, since I'd gotten a little rest, and Patrick seemed to be doing okay, we went out to play with them.  Even Ryan got in on the game!  The 4 kids ran the bases, Patrick pitched and I played catcher.  We played for about an hour, before Patrick and I realized we were exhausted, and the wind started to pick up.  But for the time, it was a blast.  I love how big our yard is, and how we can actually play baseball in the yard.  Good times!

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