Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012

Outside Temp: 43 F (Thunderstorms are gone and it was beautiful and clear... albeit a little windy)

What I cooked today:
Nothing: I was tired this afternoon, and managed to nap until about 8:30.  So, when the kids woke me up and asked what I was making for dinner, I asked them to make it themselves.  I love that they are old enough to do that!

Today was a fun day for me.

The school is doing some advertising, to try to attract some new students.  Included in their 'plan' is radio spots.  And someone thought that it would be a great idea to have students from the school do the spots, which is a great idea.  And then someone had the bright idea of having a parent also do some of the talking.  And someone threw out my name.  Really?  Oh, okay.  Cool.

This morning, the superintendent and 2 students picked me up and we all went into Great Falls to the radio station.  We pulled up to this big building downtown, and on the outside, it said 'Senior Living Center'.  No way.  I just can't imagine that the radio station was located inside a Senior Living center.  But, there it was.  On the second floor.  I'm guessing that the sound proofing worked just fine. 

We went inside, got our visitor badges and went up to the station.  The students went first.  They were done quickly and then it was my turn.  Of course, that's when I realized that I had forgotten my 'testomonial' that I had spent hours (okay, not hours) writing up.  But, since I practiced last night, I still remembered it. 

After my little 30 second blurb, I had a few other 'one liner' comments, about how awesome the school has been for us.  I really should have talked up the food better (I think I only mentioned it about 5 times), since the food is totally awesome.

When I'd finished most of what I wanted to say, the guy running the microphone and I started chatting.  I asked him if he thought it sounded okay (since he'll be the one making the actual ad), and he said the school sounded pretty cool.  Then he started telling me about his schooling and how he hated the lunches at his school, and how he didn't do very well, but he was really smart.  And I just had to laugh, because he really would have benefited from going to Geyser!!  Of course, he was probably in his late 40's, so it's probably a little late.  Then I remembered that the rest of the group was waiting for me out in the conference room, so I had to stop talking and say goodbye. 

I really, really hope that it goes well.  I know I was a little nervous, so I'm sure that comes across in my voice.  But, they've said that they can adjust the voices pitch and tone, etc, so maybe they can 'photoshop' out the nervousness. 

After the radio station, we all went out to lunch.  It was kind of nice to be able to sit down with the kids and the superintendent like people and just chat.  And I got a meal out of the deal, which is always a bonus!

I just hope that I do my school proud.  It was really quite nice to be asked.  Hehehe, maybe they like me? 

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