Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (Pretty clouds today, clear and in the 70's... perfect)

What I cooked today:
Homemade Pizza: Ryan asked for Pepperoni Pizza.  And, as some of you know, when Ryan asks for food, I will go out of my way to get him food, just to get it down his throat and into his tummy.  In this case, he found a jar of 'pizza sauce' and thought that I could, of course, just make a pizza.  So, I found a recipe for Pizza Crust (I skipped the 'letting it rise in the fridge for a day' step) and pulled out the mozzarella and pepperoni.  I formed the crust, topped it, baked it in the oven, and made homemade pizzas.  Ryan ate 2 whole pieces!  Woo hoo!  Of course, Patrick really doesn't like homemade pizza, so he was not his usual happy self with my dinner.  But it worked out well for everyone else.  I ended up with 4 'medium' sized pizzas out the deal. 

I forgot to get a picture of him actually riding, so this was taken tonight in the garage.  No, I won't let him ride without shoes. 

A few weeks ago (at the end of school), Connor won a gift certificate for a new bike.  But we had to go to Lewistown to pick it up.  Today, after we dropped off Allen and Katie at Basketball camp, we drove the rest of the way into Lewistown (another 45 miles) to get his bike.  He really liked the red and blue colors of this one, and the tires are real 'dirt' tires, which should work well on the gravel roads. 

Connor has never really rode a bike.  At our first house, we got him on a bike around 5 or 6, but he fell down while going down the hill, and didn't really want to try again.  Our second house had so much traffic and so many people, that he never felt comfortable.  So, Patrick and I were a little concerned that he wouldn't really enjoy the bike.

Boy, were we wrong.  He got right on his bike and with a little instruction on balance and how to use the brakes, he was off.  He had his helmet and some elbow and knee pads, but he never fell.  He rode all the way over to the school with no problem.  I was amazed. 

Patrick and I walked over to the school with Ryan (just in case Connor needed us), where Allen and Katie were already playing basketball.  I borrowed the key for the recreation center from the neighbor and we got to play on the inside basketball court, which was cool.  A neighborhood boy joined us, and we spent an hour and half playing games in the beautiful evening.  Ryan, Katie and Connor played on the park equipment (slides, swings, etc), and Patrick and Allen played basketball in the gym.  I love this place!

Connor had no problem riding home and I think he really enjoyed his new bike! 

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