Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16, 2012

Outside Temp: 61 F (in the mid 70's today, sunny with fluffy clouds.)

What I cooked today:
Nothing, again: Having no kids at home (that eat) makes it really hard to justify cooking a meal.  I have no idea how couples with no kids deal with nightly meals for two.  I don't know how to cook that little, anyway!

So, having no kids around is really strange.  Ryan is pretty independent, and spent a lot of the day playing outside, either in the front with his sidewalk chalk, or in the back with the chickens.  Patrick worked on some projects with his dad most of the day and I worked on our 'work' project.

The big excitement for the day was my hour long visit at the post office (I gave myself an hour to chat and not feel guilty for not working) and church this evening.  I did manage to clean up the 'dog' room, which is where we had the chicks when they were little.  It still smelled like chicken poop and we still had the area set up for them.  So, I got to shovel out all the poop and pine shavings, and clear out all the random boxes in there.  It's nice, now that it's all clear and cleaned. 

The chicken coop up at the Grandparent's place is coming along nicely.  Patrick said it should be ready for the chickens soon.  I think that soon means in a week or two, but you never know. 

Ryan loves playing with them, and he's going to miss being able to just walk out the door to see them.  This evening, he went out to play with them, and pulled three of them out of the cage and put them on the ground just outside it.  They were going crazy trying to get back inside, but we have chicken wire set up so they can't get out.  Of course, that stopped them from getting back in as well.  When I asked Ryan why he pulled them out of the cage, he said, 'They are my friends.".  How do you argue with that?

We have started Ryan drinking PediaSure, to see if his gut is moving.  The story is that if he can get up to 3 cans a day, he can get off his TPN (IV).  So, today, we gave him about 1/4 of a can, 4 times.  Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and Dinner.  So, he ended up with an entire can today.  Which is awesome.  We won't know for a few weeks if he's actually digesting it and if it's working.  But, the fact that he can drink it is a great step in the right direction.  Now, we just have to remember to give it to him a few times a day.  That's going to be the hard part! 

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