Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December 20, 2011

Outside Temp: 37 F (they promised snow tonight, but I just don't see it happening unless the temp gets a lot lower.  Stranger things have happened, but I'm not holding my breath)

What I cooked today:
Pumpkin Bread: I'm getting kind of tired of this bread, but Allen wanted it for his Bake Sale, so I make up 10 mini loaves for him to bring tomorrow.

Chocolate Chip Cookies: As if the bread wasn't enough, we decided to throw in 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies.  Allen said that there may not be very much brought tomorrow, so we decided to add a little extra.  All the money raised is for the local YWCA Women and Children's Shelter in Great Falls. 

(and yes, I notice the lack of any real food... you'd think we just ate junk food all day and are all growing fat up here!)

They have been talking about this winter storm warning most of the day, so I decided to go into town today for shopping, just in case the roads are snowy tomorrow. 

As I was driving in, I heard the following on the radio:
"Just in case you were worried that the Anti-Christmas people were at work, we would like to let you know that the nativity scene at the [I can't remember the name] park was not taken down by any protesters or people against Christmas.  One of the electrical cords was damaged and it is being repaired.  It will be back before Christmas."

I'm not sure why I was so stunned by the announcement, but it really surprised me.

Also, while I was in town, I was shopping at Albertsons and the lights went out.  The back up lights came on, which left a little over half of the store in almost complete darkness.  The front of the store, including the cash registers, had lights and power.  But the fruits and vegetables, and the meat section and the dairy section was dark.  But, resourceful shoppers that we were, most of us just pulled out our cell phones and used them as flashlights, and kept shopping!  I was able to finish all my shopping and check out without the lights coming back on.  I'm not sure what happened (it was kind of windy, but it's been worse), but I had to laugh at the whole situation!

So, we have offered to sing with the choir for the Christmas Eve church service in Belt, so Patrick, his mom and I went into Belt for 'Choir Practice'.  Ahhh, the memories of sitting in Napa High's Choir Room, learning songs in Latin.  Okay, so only 2 or 3 of the songs were in Latin tonight, but it brought back memories just the same!  I'm actually looking forward to singing with the choir.  We were never part of the choir in California, too many people I think.  And here, they can use the extra voices.  I only hope that we can stay in tune!

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