Friday, December 23, 2011

December 23, 2011

Outside Temp: 40 F (ugh, there is no way we're ending up with a white Christmas this year... )

What I cooked today:
Pancakes: I knew the kids would need their strength today, so I made sure to make a great breakfast for them.  Unfortunately, they ate them all before I had a chance to eat any!  Not cool!  I ended up with Lucky Charms. 


Connor and Grandpa

Allen, Grandpa and Connor (you can't tell because they are all hidden behind masks and scarves)


Katie, reading in the lodge!

We had one of those days that was planned well, but just didn't seem to follow the plans.  Oh well, plans are made to be changed.

We were going to help decorate the church for Christmas, but by the time we got our act together, they were already done.  Then we were going to head up to the mountain early, but we had so many thing to get taken care of, we didn't make it out of the house until about 12:30. 

It all worked out fine, since we had skis and boots and polls for everyone, so as soon as we unloaded from the truck, it only took a few minutes to get everyone booted up and on their skis and on to the slopes.  (Patrick still had to rent his, so he was a few minutes behind everyone else!)

Ryan was feeling fine, but with Christmas coming, and him feeling a little punky the last few days, we didn't want to risk him getting sick, so he stayed with Grandma, watching movies.  There are plenty of snow days left in the season, so we didn't feel (too) bad about leaving him at home.

Katie came down with a headache after the first hour, so she bundled up in the lodge with her book and a cup of hot chocolate (one more awesome reason for season passes and season rentals... You can have a bad day, and it doesn't really matter!). 

Connor did a few turns on the kids area, and decided he was ready for the chair lift and the easy runs on the mountain.  He did great!!  No falls and he kept getting better each run.  He would go up with either Patrick or Grandpa, and they both said he was in control the whole time.  And most importantly, he seemed to be having fun.

Allen was off doing his black diamonds, like usual.  He came down one run and was so excited... He had accidentally gone onto the moguls.  He thought they were great!  His new boots were a little tight, so we'll bring them into the pro shop on Monday to see if they can do anything to make them fit a little better.  I figure it's like a new set of heals... the first time you wear them, you get blisters and hate them.  But the more you wear them, the more comfortable they become.  At least I hope so, since they were not cheep! 

We met with Grandma and Ryan at the Lazy Doe in Monarch for dinner.  It's about half way to the mountain (about 20 minutes from the house), and they have great steaks!  We finished out a great dinner with fifty cents and a pool table.  We didn't really play pool, but we showed the kids how to hold the stick, and let Ryan throw the balls into the pockets. 

Another awesome day!  Tomorrow will be packed with last minutes shopping and parties and church and more parties and family.  Hopefully, the kids will be exhausted by the end of the day... :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh...sounds like a great time! We used to ski as a family and I tell you what, that's another one of those investments that grows and grows. I had no idea that the kids were into! We're really happy that you're all enjoying life up there Cheryl :)
    Give hugs to the kids and Pratrick.
    Love, Kelly
