Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12, 2011

Outside Temp: 20 F (it was foggy most of the day, kind of like teasing that it would snow, but not actually dropping any snow)

What I cooked today:
Pumpkin Bread: We had a Women's Alter Society Christmas Party tonight (ladies only!), so I made my pumpkin bread to bring for the pot luck. 

Chocolate Chip Cookies: Katie has her bake sale tomorrow, so she asked for cookies, instead of her original request of cupcakes.  Good thing, since I don't think I have any frosting in my house, and I'm not sure about making frosting from scratch yet... :)

The Alter Society party was a lot of fun.  It was mostly the same women from the Halloween party, but with more wine and less men.  I'm starting to get to know the people around here, although there were a few faces I hadn't seen before.  I'm sure I'll start to piece together who belongs to whom.  I would say 'related to whom', but it seems that everyone up here is related to everyone else in one way or another. 

We did a gift exchange, which is always fun!  There were about 30 women there, so there was a wide assortment of gifts, except the 3 sets of custom designed wine glasses that kept getting stolen and passed around.  The rule was: When it is your turn, you can steal.  But you can only be stolen FROM twice, then the third gift, you are safe to keep. 

I, of course, had my eye on a set of truffles that came up with number 2.  I was number 20.  The truffles were stolen from their original owner twice, before I came up.  So, I stole them and prayed I would get to keep them.  But no, someone came along and stole them from me.  So, I managed to pick another gift that would be desired later on.  When someone stole my second gift, I was able to steal back my truffles and was now safe.  There is a lot of strategy to Christmas Gift exchanges!

The best news is that I think I've finished my Christmas Cards!  I'm sure I've forgotten some people, but for the addresses I have, I think I'm done.  Now, I just have to make it over to the post office, which shouldn't be too hard (I do it every day anyway!).

1 comment:

  1. You are a formidable gift exchange foe!!! LOL!! I could never have thought those many moves ahead LOL!
