Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2, 2011

Outside Temp: 21 F (it snowed most of the day, so we have plans for sledding tomorrow!)

What I cooked today:
Walnut Chicken: Woo Hoo, I was finally able to eat a home cooked meal!  It's amazing how much you miss that.  Of course, I don't miss having to clean up afterwards, but it sure tasted good!  :)

We're home!  Yea!! 

We have a few days of antibiotics at home, but his cultures have been negative for 3 days now, and they had no problem sending us home.  I was a little worried, because Ryan was getting a little stuffy in his nose, so last night I kept waking up to his snoring, and had to keep checking his temp, to make sure he wasn't getting sick. I figure he was just reacting to the dry air in the hospital.  Once we got home, his stuffy nose and red eyes were gone and they haven't come back.  Then again, it's also about 10 degrees colder in here, and we don't have the forced heated air like they do in the hospital.

It has been snowing here most of the day, so I was a little concerned about the drive home.  The roads were clear for most of the drive, but once we past Belt (about 20 miles from home) the roads got a little slick.  I saw at least one car that ran off the road.  It was a little strange since it had crossed the road and went straight into the snow bank on the opposite side.  The driver was fine and the car didn't seem damaged, just sticking into a pile of snow.  It made me slow down just a little more.  I also thought it was interesting that the roads were actually covered in dirt or mud, I'm not sure which.  The parts that were 'dirty' were easier to drive on, I guess because they didn't have any ice.  But I never thought of adding something when the snow plow plows the snow.   I'll have to ask around....

The turn up to our house was pretty snowy, and I was a little concerned that I couldn't make the turn without sliding into oncoming traffic.  It all worked out and I was able to make it up to our driveway, which Patrick had conveniently forgotten to shovel.  I drove through about 8-10 inch high snow drifts, but my garage door opener worked and I was able to just drive right into the garage.  I'm trying not to think about the puddles of melted snow on the floor of my garage right now.

Once we got home, Patrick took Ryan up to the parent's place to go sledding.  It seemed appropriate, since he's been stuck in a hospital room for the last week.  I heard that Patrick's mom got some great pictures, but Patrick forgot my camera, so I'll have to see if I can get them.  Otherwise, we'll take everyone up tomorrow and try to get some good pictures!  Ski season doesn't start for another week, so the kids will have to suffer with just sledding.  I've decided that Allen and Connor get to be lucky enough to drag Ryan up the hill over and over.  They should be totally buff by the time the snow melts in June... :)

The temperatures shouldn't get above freezing for the next few days, and there will be snow on and off all weekend.  I'm still loving the snow.  The house is warm (enough) and we've (almost) got enough snow 'stuff', like gloves and snow pants.  I still need to get Katie a good pair of waterproof boots, but everyone else is pretty covered.

And I just realized that the kids don't get out of school until the Thursday before Christmas.  I was hoping for 2 full weeks off, and I only get a week and 2 days.  Oh wait, I mean THEY only get a week and 2 days.  What was I thinking... :)

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