Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27, 2011

Outside Temp: 43 F (and windy... not really cold, just a little chilly because the wind is pretty cold.  I heard the speed was around 50 mph at one point.)

What I cooked today:
Beef Stew: Since Allen went skiing, I figured he'd want something warm when he got home.  It was all in the crock pot by noon, which meant it was done by 7...

Allen went skiing with Grandpa and his uncle today.  I didn't go, so I don't have any pictures.  But I heard that since he was so tired, he fell 3 times, which is a first for this season.  Of course, when you go to bed around 2am, then try to get up around 9am, for a few days straight, you are bound to be a little tired and not perform at your best.  I've told him to get some sleep tonight and maybe he can do better tomorrow.

I also went into town today.  I wasn't sure if I really had to go shopping, but since I hadn't been since before Christmas, I was pretty sure I needed milk.  I ended up meeting up with someone from the hospital, and we chatted for a few minutes.  It was nice to talk to a hospital employee outside of the hospital! 

I didn't hit any deer on the way home, which is good, since I saw about 10 on the drive in.  I was pretty sure they would be on the road, so I was smart enough to drive home slowly behind a big rig.  That way, if the deer decided to run out on to the road, the big rig would hit it and either a) it would be tossed gently to the side of the road or b) it would be shredded before it got to me, and I would only end up with some blood and guts, but my car would otherwise be fine.  But the deer were smart enough to not get hit and test my theory.

I also saw birds flying south for the winter.  Okay, so they weren't really flying south, more like west, and they weren't in the perfect V that you expect, but you get the point.  Then, an entire flock of close to 100 Canadian geese were standing in the field as I drove past.  (it may not have been 100, but it seemed like a lot, so I'm exaggerating for effect)  The wind was pretty bad, so I'm assuming that they were blown out of the sky.  But who knows?  Maybe they were flying south, and then decided that it was better in Montana, so they decided to stay.   :)

Today was the awesome relaxing day, where the kids (except Allen) stayed in bed until at least noon.  Ryan didn't wake up until about 3pm.  Katie is feeling a little ucky (bad tummy), so she's been in and out of bed all day.  But, fortunately, since we had nothing to do today, we didn't miss out on anything! 

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