Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 21, 2011

Outside Temp: 13 F (Yea!  We got snow today!  Probably not enough to make it a white Christmas, but snow just the same.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Potatoes: I really wasn't feeling like cooking today.  So, we had the old standby, which works out fine.  I just have to remind myself that I'm the only one who likes canned corn... I make it and no one eats it except me. 

Ryan was feeling a little punky today... I think he ate some bad salsa or something.  By dinnertime, he was fine, but during the day was a lot of whining and 'my tummy hurts' and 'mommy, stay with me'.  So, my day was spent in bed with him, reading.  For hours.  Not that I'm complaining, it just means that I didn't get anything done.  Tomorrow, we have stuff at school, then we'll probably head to town for the last of the Christmas shopping.  Then we may go skiing on Friday.  Christmas Eve is Saturday, which will be busy all day long and then the big day on Sunday.  I think I was planning on today being my 'wrap presents' and 'clean the house' and 'prepare for Chirstmas' day, but I spent it in bed.  I guess those things didn't really need to happen.  :)

Allen said they did well at the Bake Sale today, and he sold all my cookies and most of my pumpkin bread.  I was actually quite shocked that the bread sold, until he told me that he gave away the last 3 mini loaves.  Oh well.  They still made about $50 today, which isn't too bad! 

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