Monday, December 26, 2011

December 25, 2011

Outside Temp: 39 F (it was 52 F today... But I'm not complaining... I promise, I'm not... )

What I cooked today:
Sweet Potatoes: I'd love to claim that I cooked them, but in all honesty, Patrick's mom did all the work.  She scrubbed, pealed, cut up and boiled the potatoes.  I finally made it up to their house in time to add the brown sugar and butter and salt, mix and toss into a casserole dish.  Then I put some marshmallows around the outside and broiled for a few minutes.  Everyone seemed to like it, which made me feel pretty good.

Merry Christmas!!

We ended up staying up until 2am last night, since someone (Patrick) let the kids open their presents last night.  Oh well, it meant we could sleep in, which we did, until 11am! 

We got up to the house with just enough time for the boys to play with their presents. They are not toys.

We spent most of the day at Aunt Marilyn's house in Belt for an amazing Christmas dinner.  Not only was there awesome food, but she laid out the tables with the china and silver.  It was so pretty!  We chatted with family for a good 4 hours, including an appetizer (shrimp cocktail), salads, meats with side dishes and wonderful desserts.  It was great!  And the kids didn't even break anything!

And tonight, we spent the last 5 hours playing Clue with the kids.  We played 3 whole games and in the end, Patrick was so sure he'd figured it out, but I fooled him and he lost!  Then, he was so upset that he accidentally said the answer!  It was after 2am, so it was really, really time for bed.

What a great end to a wonderful Christmas!

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