Friday, December 9, 2011

Decvember 9, 2011

Outside Temp: 37 F (downright balmy!  It was like summer today, high in the 40's!)

What I cooked today:
Nothing!  Patrick's mom made dinner for us after sledding, and I was in town all day, so I didn't cook anything.  :)

Today was my shopping day in town.  It was kind of nice to be able to spend the day by myself.  Not that I don't love my family, and like spending time with them, but sometimes, a day by yourself really makes you appreciate your family all that more.

Once I got home, we went up to the parents for sledding, of course.  As soon as we got there, the moon was coming up, so I got this picture. 

I need a better camera to really make it look as awesome as it was in real life.  Apparently, there is a lunar eclipse tomorrow morning (Saturday) at about 6:00am.  And if I understand correctly, we would be able to see both the lunar eclipse and the sunrise at the same time.  This is where you ask, how is that possible?  A lunar eclipse is where the sun and earth and moon are in alignment, so the sun and moon should be 180 degrees from each other, meaning one of them should be under the horizon.  But there is some really cool effect of the horizon, which acts as a lens and allows you to see beyond 180 degrees.  Don't ask me how, I kind of get it, but I can't explain it.  Needless to say, it should be pretty awesome.  If only I didn't have to wake up at 6am on a Saturday.... I'm afraid I'm going to miss it. 

There were 7 deer on the grandparent's property tonight, and as we drove up, they turned to look at us and just stood still like 'hey, they can't see us if we don't move!'.  They stood there for a few more minutes, before walking in a line, looking for a place in the fence to cross.  Once they found it, they bounded over the fence, across the road, and over the next fence.  Then they ran up the hill and out of sight.  It was kind of neat to watch!  There was also a bald eagle (along with some crows, magpies and golden eagles) eating the remains of a coyote on the side of the road.  As we drove by, the birds flew away.  A bald eagle is really amazing to see.  I didn't realize they were up here, just like any other bird.  I guess I expected them to only be in zoos or something like that!  :)

Grandpa is feeling a little under the weather, so we may put off skiing until Sunday (or maybe even next week).  That will actually work better, so we can go to church tomorrow, and have all day to ski, without the guilt.  You know how us Catholics are on guilt.  :)

I also sent off the first set of Christmas cards today.  Of course, there was only about 6 of them, so it wasn't much of an accomplishment.   I'm trying to get through the rest of them this week, and I might actually get them out BEFORE Christmas!  Tomorrow, Patrick and I are going to try to get Christmas lights up.  If we actually accomplish it, I'll post pictures... we haven't had Christmas lights in the last 3-4 years, so this will be kind of fun!  

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