Friday, December 16, 2011

December 16, 2011

Outside Temp: 39 F (no snow in sight... kinda bummed that it's melting.. )

About 1/2 way to Billings... The picture really doesn't do the pretty mountains justice! Just beautiful!

What I cooked today:
Nothing... we were gone all day, so no cooking.. which is kind of good since it also means no cleaning!

We drove into Billings today to take Ryan to a behavioral pediatrician.  She spent about 2 hours with us, watching him and playing with him, while discussing with us his unique situation.  She gave us some ideas on how to help him to socially interact with other kids and adults, appropriately.  We realized that since we have been so grateful to have Ryan home, breathing and alive, that we may have let him get away with behaviors that we would never have allowed his siblings to get away with.  You might call him a little spoiled, but no matter the reason, he struggles with basic social skills (I know, shocker!).  Our doctor knows our speech therapist (small town Montana... everyone knows everyone else!) so they are going to talk about ways we can help him learn useful social and communication skills; simple things like taking turns, looking people in the eye and saying please and thank you.  Mostly, it's about him not being in charge all the time.  Ahh, finally time to grow up! 

After the extremely long drive (3 hours there, 3 hours back), we stopped at the parents place where they were dressing their Christmas tree!  We are hoping to head out into the forest this weekend to get ours, but the kids got to help with the ornaments and lights and tinsel for the parents' tree.

So, you know that commercial for the cloud picture thing, where the mom is trying to take a family picture and the kids keep screwing it up, with the tagline... "Giving me the family that nature never could."  I felt like that while trying to get a simple picture of my kids in front of grandma's tree.  Here are a few of the options:

Oh well... I'll try again next time... Perhaps with enough tries, I'll finally get the picture I'm looking for!  :)

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