Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19, 2011

Outside Temp: 36 F (windy, but no snow)

What I cooked today:
Lasagna: Not my mother's recipe, but the one in Better Homes and Gardens.  Everyone ate it up, except Allen who complained because he got an edge piece and his pasta was a little crisp.  Just can't make everyone happy, can you?  We even ended up with 2 pieces for leftovers... woo hoo, lunch!

Sooooooo tired today!  We need to get up skiing more often, so my body can get used to the physical work!  The kids actually were able to get up and moving this morning, which kind of surprised me.  I guess their 3 months of P.E. has gotten them more used to the exercise. 

Ryan met with his Occupational Therapist, who will help him to use a pencil and crayon better.  She'll probably be meeting with him every other week (or so) starting in January.  She was really nice and gave us some great ideas on how to strengthen his grip.  Of course, you have to balance that with his short attention span. 

We're all counting the days until school gets out (3 more days...)  Starting in January, the school has so many extra curricular activities, especially on Fridays, that they have decided to have no school on Fridays from January until March (yes, they have to make up those hours, which I think is why we only have 7 days off for Christmas and our school days are from 8-3:30).  But it's awesome because we can go skiing on Fridays!  Woo Hoo! 

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