Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11, 2011

Outside Temp: 17 F (it was pretty outside today, around mid 30's - 40's... )

What I cooked today:
Pumpkin Bread French Toast: So, I had a loaf of really dry pumpkin bread from last week (I used too much flour and the bread was terrible), and I thought that if I made it into french toast, it might make up for some of the dryness.  It did, and the toast wasn't totally dry, but I don't think the eggs went with the pumpkin.  It was edible, but not great.  Hopefully, I will never mess up the pumpkin bread again, so I shouldn't ever have to make it again like this.  Katie and Connor asked me to make regular french toast; it was that bad. 

Chili: After shopping all day, we made chili for dinner, which worked out fine.  Of course, I wasn't really paying attention, and I didn't make enough.  Just enough for each of us to have 1 bowl, instead of seconds and thirds, like usual.  Oh well, it worked.

We went into town today, since we had no idea what the kids wanted for Christmas.  We brought them over to Wal-Mart and had them walk around the toy section, letting us know what they wanted.  A few things were kind of a surprise, like the desire for board games like Operation, Sorry! and Risk.  Ahh, classics!  Connor and Allen both wanted Legos, which, while annoying, isn't that surprising. 

Then we looked at the BB guns, which really, really got Allen's attention.  He wanted the Ruger, with a scope, for about $100.  For a BB gun.  Jeez... We'll have to see about that one.  We had been planning on getting a BB gun for the kids anyway, but I'm not sure I can justify $100 for one.  "But it is SOOO cool, Mom!"  :)

After that, I remembered someone telling me about a meat store in town, where I could get my meat for cheaper.  So, we drove through the old parts of Great Falls, looking at all the stores and shops.  Old Great Falls is neat, because there isn't really separate residential and commercial sections... they are mixed together.  You might have a store or shop, right next to a house, and then another store on the other side.  They also have one way streets, which are kind of cool.

One place that really caught our attention is below:

We both looked at it, and thought we read it wrong.  Then we read it again.  Then we started laughing.  When we saw the horse trailer in the back, we finally understood. 

The funniest part was when the kids, who were in the back, asked us why we were laughing so hard.  So, of course, this turned into a 'teachable' moment.  :)

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