Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 49 F (it was in the high 70's in Great Falls today, but overcast and showers in Raynesford and Geyser.  I love the weather here!)

What I cooked today:
Tater Tots: I know, I know, but we left the kids to their own devices for dinner, while we headed out to the party.  They still wanted more food once we got back.  So, I baked up some tater tots.  After all, everyone LOVES tater tots!

Ryan had clinic in Great Falls today.

They are drawing his labs from his arm, rather than his line.  It's safer, since we're not accessing the line, but it's harder on him, since they actually have to poke him.  In this case, we had quarterly labs, which includes a ton of tests; copper, selenium, etc.  It turned out that they needed 11 tubes of blood.  Oh my, 11 tubes is a lot!

They poked him on the right side first, and once they got the needle in, he calmed down.  They were able to get 7 tubes off that site before the line blew.  They then stuck him on the left side, and got the other 4 tubes.  He's really funny about it, because the anticipation is terrifying.  He flinches like crazy and really doesn't want to sit still.  But, as soon as the needle is in, he stops and can watch.  Even if they have to move around the needle to get good access.

After labs, we went to clinic.  He was 57.6 lbs and 47 1/2 inches.  That's amazing for him!  He only gained .6 lbs in the last 2 months, but since we've decreased his TPN, that's actually good.  Amazingly, he gained about 1 1/2 inches!  That is amazing!  His doctor was really happy with his height gain.  It might mean that his intestines are working better.  We are going to decrease the time on his TPN from 12 hours to 10, which will be totally awesome once he starts school.  And we're going to work on Pediasure, to give him some extra nutrition.  All in all, an awesome clinic visit. 

After clinic (and some grocery shopping), we went into Geyser for a Customer Appreciation Party at the Geyser Mercantile.  So much fun to spend time with the community!  I really like the Merc, not only because the guys are so helpful and friendly, but they also have really great prices.  And I don't have to go all the way into Great Falls for things!  So, tonight, they fed us some awesome meats; sausages, hamburgers, jerky and bacon.  Add to that some beans and watermelon.  And, of course, some cookies.  How can you go wrong?  And an added bonus was chatting with people!  Since school is out, I don't get to see everyone as much.  This was a great way to keep in touch!

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