Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 23, 2012

Outside Temp: hmm, not sure... but it was in the high 70's today and very windy!

What I cooked today:
Pancakes, Bacon AND Sausage: I really wanted to make breakfast for the family this morning.  So, I cooked up the sausage and bacon.  Of course, the bacon turned out really crispy, since I forgot about it and let it cook a little too long.  And the pancakes were a little underdone, and then a little overdone.  Apparently, I've forgotten how to make breakfast!  Oh well, I'll do better next time!

Burgers and Mashed Potatoes: I should have make something really cool, but I got busy and the kids actually asked for burgers. I had Katie peal the potatoes and wash them, which cut down on the prep time!  It all turned out great!

Patrick and I have a big project we have been working on, so today, being our first day home with our entire family, we spent hours and hours working. 

I did make a point of taking time to chat at the post office and walk around in the beautiful sunshine.  But, then it was back to the grindstone.

Ryan was feeling a little punky today, so we just let him sit around and watch his movies.  But, underneath, we kind of knew that things were not right.

So, tonight, when we hooked him up to his TPN, he started shivering and spiked a fever.  Uh, oh.  It must be an infection.  Typical.

While we were in Seattle, they drew his labs off of his line, instead of sticking him. At the time, we were grateful, I mean, hey, he didn't need to get poked.  Now, we are wondering if maybe they contaminated his line.   While we have been here, they don't usually draw off his line for labs, they poke him, which sucks in its own way.  But perhaps that is why we don't have as many infections?

So, we got him hooked up to his TPN around 12:30 (we were working on our project and lost track of time), which means that by 1:15 or so, he let us know in his own way (moaning and throwing up) that he was sick.  About 15 minutes to argue over who was going to bring him into the hospital, and then packing and getting him ready.  We were out the door by 1:30. 

The drive into Great Falls usually takes about 45 minutes, but I was in the ER parking lot by 2am.  Patrick had already called and told them I was coming, so they had all the paperwork ready for me to sign and he was checked in within seconds.  About 15 minutes later, an escort was there, to take us to our room.  And by 2:30, we were settled in our room, weight and vitals measured. 

And, they even had his favorite XBox games waiting for us! 

Have I mentioned how awesome this hospital is? 

We are currently waiting on our Antibiotics, but culture and labs have already been drawn.  He's settled down, and his fever isn't very high (about 101.8).  I'm going with a staph infection, rather than his standard Klebsiella (gut bug).  But the cultures will tell us in a day or two.  Until then, I have no worries that he will get excellent care!

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