Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 17, 2012

Outside Temp: 54 F (It was a great temperature today.  While we were in Great Falls, it rained here, but we missed it!)

What I cooked today:
Scrambled Eggs: For Father's Day, I made breakfast for Patrick.  Of course, I couldn't justify an entire breakfast with bacon and sausage, since there were no kids to eat it up.  But I did spoil him with some scrambled eggs with cheese, overcooked, just like he likes it!

It was kind of a strange Father's Day, with only one kid here.  The kids did call up from California to say 'Happy Father's Day', but in all honesty, it just wasn't the same.  Oh well, it's a Hallmark holiday anyway, right?

Grandpa, Ryan, Patrick and I did manage to have an outing this afternoon, which was fun.

Our first stop was at the dump.  I know, classic, right?  We filled up the truck and headed over there to get rid of garbage.  Then we stopped in Belt to drop off some tomato plants.  Which brought us to the church, where we were dropping off plants for our priest.  Which then turned into a 2 hour conversation with the four of us (Ryan was playing around the yard) about politics and philosophy and history.  It was great, but I felt bad since our priest was just settling down for a nap, and we used up all his 'nap' time!

After that chat, we headed over to our Aunt and Uncle's house (also in Belt) for another hour long conversation.  It is always great to chat, and most of the time, we are there with a big group of people, so we don't get to have one-on-one chat time.  This was great and I love spending time with them.

By this time, it was almost 5pm, and it was time for dinner.  We were going to head up to Monarch for steaks, but, since it was Father's Day, we thought it might be packed, so we headed into Great Falls instead.  Which meant that we couldn't waste a perfectly good trip into town.  We stopped at the drug store, and the hardware store, and the grocery store, AND had a great dinner out! 

By the time we got home, Ryan was exhausted and ready for bed.  I think I might be right there with him!  I do have some work I need to be doing, but my bed is calling to me.  Perhaps I can work in the morning...

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