Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14, 2012

Outside Temp: 48 F (clear and beautiful today... in the 70's)

What I cooked today:
Chicken Soup: Since it was only Patrick and I (and Ryan) for dinner, we went with Chicken Soup... with my new stock from our home grown chickens... Really, really good!

This morning, 3 of my 4 kids jumped in the car with Grandma and took off for California for the week.  It was so quiet around the house today, that Ryan slept in until after noon!

Once he woke up, and took his shower, Patrick asked him where the other kids were.

"They're sleeping." was his response, even though it was 1 in the afternoon.

"Nope.  They're not here."

Hmmm, really?  Which prompted him to explore through the house, calling "Allen? Connor? My Brothers?  Katie?  My Sister?  Hmmm, not here."

I expected him to be upset, but he just went out and played with the chicks.  Then, later, he went out in the front yard and played with the sidewalk chalk.  Then, he play acted that he was the Hulk and he went through smashing everything. 

I guess he survived without his siblings. 

Patrick and I worked all afternoon.  We have a big project we have been working on for a client out of state.  Which means that I spent most of the day in front of the computer.  I did give myself an hour to go clean Katie's room (which is on my list of things to accomplish while the kids are gone), so that I could be sure that I could have something accomplished by the end of the day.

I admit, I kind of missed the kids this afternoon (and not just because no one else was there to do the dishes or the laundry), but I think they will have a really good time.  They made really good time, and made it to Provo, UT safely tonight.  Grandma only had to threaten them for the first hour or two, but the next 8 were okay.

While checking on Ryan playing the front yard, I did manage to catch a picture of a few new friends in the field next to our house.  So cute!

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