Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012

Outside Temp: 46 F (it's supposed to start getting chilly, but today was just beautiful!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Fries: Patrick called and said he wouldn't be home for dinner.. So there was no reason to go to the effort to make something nice... Sounds like it'll be burgers tonight!

Ahh, my lazy day... Finally.

I spent most of the day baby sitting the washing machine and dryer.  I folded the 5(ish) loads from yesterday, and the 6+ loads from today.  Ugh, I hate laundry.  I really should take a picture of the pile of socks on my couch, but I'm too embarrassed.  I hate, hate, hate folding socks.  So, when I fold laundry, I toss the socks into a pile, with the intention of folding them once I'm finished.  But, I find that I am never actually finished.  Nope, can't do the socks yet, there's another load coming out of the dryer.  Nope, can do the socks now, have to make dinner.  Nope, can't do the socks now, it's time for bed... and on and on.  I can make up plenty of excuses for not folding socks, and so they just sit there, growing into a heaping mound on my couch.  Sometimes, someone wants to actually sit on the couch, so the pile of socks gets tossed into a laundry basket.  Which, then can get confused with dirty laundry, and has to be re-washed.  Oh goodness, I hate socks. 

Other than that, I watched Allen work on his history report.  It's not due until Wednesday, but with practice on Monday and a game on Tuesday, I know that he won't have the time to work on it.  And, by 'suggesting' that he complete his report today, it's all done.  He's a little nervous, since they are doing a report instead of a normal chapter test.  Which means that it's worth 300 points and he really, really wants to get a good grade.  The good part is that he can show his teacher tomorrow, and get any suggestions for corrections or changes.

And somehow, it is now Sunday night, and it's time for another week to begin.  Ugh, can't we just add an extra day to the weekend? 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 29, 2012

Outside Temp: 54 F (I thought that it might rain, but nothing came of it.. perhaps a few sprinkles, but nothing to write home about!)

What I cooked today:
Mexican Quiche: I needed to make something with all the eggs we have, so I have this quiche.  Unfortunately, the kids don't really like it.  Oh well, at least I made something.

The problem with having a schedule during the week, is that on Saturday, your body still wakes up the normal time... Which saw me open my eyes and look at the clock at about 6:42am, wondering what was wrong with me.  Ugh, I've been tired all day, and I'm blaming my early eye opening time.  Of course, I did close them again, and sleep for another hour or two, but still...

Once all the kids were up, I requested that they assist me in cleaning up some of the house... not all of it, but some.  Amazingly, they didn't really complain and we did get the computer area of the house cleaned and vacuumed, along with the dishes and some laundry.  I have a lot of laundry, so I didn't expect to get through all of it, but I did accomplish about 5 loads, so I can't complain.  Perhaps tomorrow, I can get through more of it.  Of course, by then, I'll have more laundry added to the pile.  I hate laundry.

Grandma was making some new beans for dinner, so we all headed up there after church to chat and have dinner.  I love it when someone else (always Grandma) makes dinner, because it means I don't have to!  They even spoiled us with ice cream for dessert!

September 28, 2012

Outside Temp: 47 F (It was almost like summer today... in the 80's but not too hot.)

What I cooked today:
Potato Salad: I know, this may sound silly, but I've never made potato salad before.  I'm not sure how that happened, but I always figured it was too hard.  I've bought the pre-made stuff at the store, and I actually love potato salad, but I've never made it from scratch... until tonight.  We have so many eggs, that I needed to make something with the hard boiled eggs I made yesterday.  So, I looked up a recipe, boiled my potatoes (with the skins on), and made potato salad.  I feel like I accomplished something today.  Of course, my kids don't really like potato salad, and Connor actually picked the onions and celery out of his, but I don't care.  I liked it!

Burgers: Allen asked for burgers for dinner, so, I thought I'd spoil him.  It also worked out well with our salad!

I like Fridays.  I think they mean more to me now than they ever have.  And, since Allen does not have a game tomorrow morning, it means I get to sleep in tomorrow!  Woo hoo!

After I got the kids on the bus this morning, I worked for a little bit, and then crawled back into bed and slept... Sometime around 10:45, I opened my eyes and realized that I was going to be late to pick up Ryan.  That hasn't happened to me yet, so I was totally embarrassed.  Of course, it's only 11 miles to the school, so I wasn't too late.

Allen had football practice, and I usually pick him up at 6.  So, I was watching the clock and I almost left at 5 to get him, but I figured he'd call if he got done early.  Then, around 5:58, I realized I was going to be late picking him up.  As I pulled into the school at about 6:10, he was sitting on the bench.  It turned out that he had gotten out of practice at 5, but his cell phone was dead, so he couldn't call me.  Ugh, talk about a guilty mom!

He claimed that the burgers made up for it. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (another beautiful day in Fall... a little chilly in the AM, but nice most of the day.  No complaints)

What I cooked today:
Italian Casserole (page 57) : I wanted to try something else from our new cookbook.  This one uses ground beef and macaroni, which always go good together.  The kids thought it was okay, but Patrick really liked it.  I might have to try this one again!

We had breakfast up at the Grandparents, which was an excuse to use up some eggs.  Grandma thought it was funny, since she called at about 9am, and we were actually up there by 9:15ish.  We all laughed when we explained that when someone else is cooking a meal, we actually move our tails.  Now she knows how to get my husband up there to work!

Patrick and the Grandparents went to the Adult Faith class at the church this evening, which left me at home with the kids (by choice... I probably could have made it to the class, but I hadn't done the reading and I wanted to get dinner on the table.) 

Amazingly, Allen didn't have any homework, other than studying for a test tomorrow.  I think this is the first night in weeks that he hasn't had any homework, so he relaxed and watched TV and played a video game...  Up until the moment I asked him to do the dishes, which prompted a little complaints, but the dishes got done, so I don't mind a little complaining.  He doesn't have a game until next Tuesday, so this will be our first 'free' weekend in weeks.  I have a feeling that we will all be vegging around the house, doing absolutely nothing... Or not.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012

Outside Temp: 47 F (another beautiful day... I'm loving this weather.)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... wasn't home enough to cook, but I did get some dishes done, so that helps.

I got to sleep in this morning.  Okay, I still got up at 6:45, got the kids up and ready for school.  But at 7:30, I was back in bed, snoring away.

Sometime around 10:30, I woke back up, with enough time to get back to the school and get Ryan at 11.  Our school had an 'early out' at 1, for teacher training, so I had to run back to the school at noon for my class.  At 1pm, I grabbed all 3 kids and raced back home.  I loaded up my entire family, and we headed into town.

Allen, Connor and Katie all needed some immunizations (they were all missing one or two), and of course, we needed to get the flu shots.  Oh, and let's get Ryan's labs while we're there. 

When we got to the pediatric floor, to get Ryan's labs drawn, the floor had about 8 nursing students.  We got to have them come into our 'treatment room', to watch Ryan get his labs drawn off his line, and talk about his condition and history.  It's always fun for us to be able to explain his situation, and especially discuss problems we've had, or prepare nursing students for things that might go wrong.  The students were great, and they had some really good questions.  I hope they learned something today!

After that, we ran the other 3 kids over to clinic.  We set up their 'primary' doctor a few months ago, but we hadn't had a reason to bring them into get a baseline visit.  We used the excuse of the immunizations to bring them in, have them meet their doctor, and get that baseline info. 

The clinic was great, and we really like our doctor.  She had us scheduled back to back, in fact, she just scheduled an hour for our family, rather than the 'suggested' 30 minutes per patient.  This worked out great for us, since we could all go into the room together, we all got weighed at the same time, we all got blood pressures at the same time, the nurse pulled up all our immunizations at the same time and we could just run through it quickly and easily.  This worked out fabulous for us!  And she even threw in a flu shot for Ryan, even though he wasn't officially scheduled.

After clinic, we brought the kids over to Macaroni Grill for an early dinner.  Then, we did some shopping, and ended our trek into town with a trip to Baskin Robbins (it was buy one sundae, and get 2nd free... we ended up with 4 sundaes out of the deal!).  Allen managed to get his all his homework done in the car, and Katie and Connor only had a little bit to complete once we got home. 

The only bad side was that Ryan picked up a new movie, but didn't have the time to watch it, since it was bedtime once we got home.  Oh well, he can watch it tomorrow! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25, 2012

Outside Temp: 53 F (another beautiful day... not too hot, not too cold.. )

What I cooked today:
Nothing... I wasn't home enough to cook.

I got to sub for the English teacher again today.  It was actually kind of neat to have the same classes two days in a row.  I even got to do 'Library' duty for the 3rd and 4th graders.  Which means that I saw practically everyone in the school (except the K-2nd and 5th/6th). 

During one English class, the students were requested to read articles by Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.  They were then asked to compare the context of each author.  The funny part was the incorporation of history into English.  If the students didn't know who Gandhi or Mandela were, or where they lived, or what problems they had in their lives, how could they possibly describe the context of the author's writing?  Which, as you would expect from me, turned the English class into a History class.  I think I bored them silly, but it was fun just the same.

After school, I raced over to Denton to watch Allen play his football game.  They won, 30-something to 6.  Allen got to play most of the second half, and by the end, he was exhausted.  It almost seemed like the entire team was playing in slow motion.  But, they still did great and we were really proud.

The last time I was in Denton was during a snow storm for a basketball game.  It was the most terrifying 1 1/2 hours of my life, the drive home from Denton.  I'm really glad that the roads were clear and the sun was still up for this drive home!

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

Outside Temp: 49 F (it was really nice today... in the low 80's, but pretty...)

What I cooked today:
Honey Glazed Chicken (page 57): As you may know, our Altar Society has created a cookbook!  I have decided to try a few new recipes, and this one sounded good!  We got some raw honey from a (totally awesome) friend, which made this recipe easy and tasty!  It was similar to a Chinese recipe I have (with soy sauce and lemon juice), so I paired it with some fried rice.  Everyone loved it!  I can't wait to try something new tomorrow.  (and remember, if you want a copy of our cookbook, just let me know!)

I got to sub today for the English classes.  It was really fun to have both Connor and Allen in class, together.  They don't really act like brothers in class, except when they are challenging each other. 

The best part was when the vocabulary book required the kids to write sentences starting with: "The politician showed he was Machiavellian when he..." and the students needed to finish the sentence.  Oh boy, did we have fun brainstorming some ideas for that one.  My favorite was: "The politician showed he was Machiavellian when he poisoned his opponent's dog."  Where do these kids come up with these ideas? 

The worst part of the day was when a wasp managed to get into my classroom.  It was during my 7th/8th grade English, which is one of my larger classes (about 7 kids).  I don't like wasps.  I don't like bugs.  I don't like spiders.  I would have been fine, but when the kids started screaming and running around, ducking for cover, I admit I was a little agitated.  I don't think I screamed like a little girl, but I was not happy.  Our superintendent had just left our class, so I (probably not a good idea) stuck my head out my door and called for him.  I know, not one of my more impressive moments. 

I'm sure I could have handled myself a little better, but it was a wasp.  And I don't like wasps.  The Superintendent was kind enough to come back, settle us down a little, get a fly swatter and kill the silly thing.  I felt pretty lame, but I got the class re-settled and we finished our work.  And I was a little embarrassed at my inability to resolve the situation on my own.  But, gosh darnnit, it was a wasp.  I wasn't concerned about myself.  But, if one of those kids got stung, on my watch, I'd feel really bad.  I just hope it doesn't go in my permanent file... this sub is fine, but she sucks when flying insects are involved.  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23, 2012

Outside Temp: 46 F (it was overcast today, but no rain... we'd really, really like some rain.)

What I cooked today:
Leek and Potato Soup: Patrick has been practically begging for this soup for the last week or so.  I finally gave in an made it.  I had to admit, it was pretty filling (I'm one of those who believe soup is an appetizer, not a meal), and tasty.  I had to borrow Grandma's immersion blender at the end, so I guess I'm adding this to my list of kitchen tools I need to get.  Yummy!

I got some pictures from Grandma of yesterday's homecoming games.

Since we were at Homecoming all day yesterday, Patrick and I got up early and went to church in Belt.  It's kind of nice to do this everyone once in a while, since it gives us an opportunity to see our family there.  We left the kids at home (with Allen), which made church all that nicer. 

Afterwards, we went into Great Falls with Connor.  He needed some new jeans, since apparently, he grew between the start of school and now.  I think that he just hated trying on jeans, and told me the one's we got fit, when they didn't.  He has pants that fit now, so I guess that's all that matters!

After our trip into town, we headed over to the Ice Cream and Pie Social at the Community Center.  This was the first thing we attended when we got into town last year, so it's kind of an anniversary thing for us!  I love the fact that we knew almost everyone there, and we had a great time!  We even picked up our St. Mary's Cookbook, with hundreds of local recipes!  I can't wait to try some of them!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

September 22, 2012

Outside Temp: 62 F (it was a little warm today, but perfect for the games! )

What I cooked today:
Oh yea, like I had time to cook...

What a fun day!!

It was our Homecoming day at the school today.  We started the day early, with Allen's game at 10am.  His team won, which was wonderful.  He got to play, even though he's been sick with this stupid cough for the last week.  He even got a few tackles in!

During the Varsity game, I helped the concessions to sell these amazing Indian Tacos, which sold like wildfire (probably not a good joke right now, with everything so dry).  We sold a lot of stuff, and make a lot of money for our Smithsonian club.

After that, I got to watch Katie play her Volleyball game.  They didn't win, but I think that was more because the team our Elementary girls (5th and 6th grade) were playing against were actually their Junior High girls.  I didn't check the program, but it seemed the same girls were playing both the Elem. and the JH games.  Oh well, I think they played well!

After that, I helped the concessions again for the Booster Club, for the JV and Varsity games.   We, again, made a lot of money, but this time it was for the Booster Club, which helps our athletic teams with their equipment and uniforms and scholarships and team feeds and stuff like that.

It was an exhausting, but totally fun day!  The only bad part was that I forgot to charge my camera, so I didn't get any pictures.  I think Grandma got some, so I'll post them tomorrow!

September 21, 2012

Outside Temp: 49 F (it's been so nice lately, I hate to even comment on it... )

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Tater Tots: By the time we got home from the game, I had no desire to make dinner... Also, Patrick and Ryan were up at the Grandparents, so I figured I could make a small dinner for just me and the other kids.  And, since Patrick doesn't really like tater tots, I figured I could use them up while he wasn't here.  Of course, he walked in the door right as we were sitting down, so he ate them anyway!

Today was a nice, busy day. 

The school had a pep rally, so my afternoon class was cancelled, which was great for me since all my students had their work turned in.  I got to go home after picking Ryan up from school, and just 'veg out' for a few hours.

I headed back to the school around 4:15.  I needed to help get the concessions ready for the volleyball games, and Allen and Katie had practice, so they wouldn't be back until at least 5:30 anyway. 

It was so much fun to work the concessions!  I know, I shouldn't say it was fun, but I really enjoy helping out, and I love talking with everyone.  I got to chat with our new 'neighbor' (they are about a mile down the road), which was great.  The only bad part is that since we are in with concessions, we don't get to watch the game. 

I get to work with the concessions tomorrow at the homecoming game, which I'm sure will be busier.  It wasn't slow today, but it wasn't busy either.  I'm really looking forward to it! 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (It didn't hit 80 today, which makes me happy.  A little rain might be nice, but otherwise, no complaints!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Corn (and Pasta) : We picked up some locally grown beef today.  One of our (totally awesome) friends had some ground beef, already packaged up in 1lb packs, just waiting for us!  So, I just had to make burgers, to see how it tasted.  I must say, it was wonderful!!  It doesn't hurt that my kids love burgers, but this meat was great!  I'm looking forward to the next 18 lbs.  The corn, on the other hand, wasn't so good.  It wasn't very sweet, and my picky husband complained a little.  So, I whipped up a pot of pasta, to supplement (since I only made enough burgers for 1 a piece).  Everyone's going to bed with a full tummy tonight.

Allen is recovering from his cough, but, as luck would have it, Patrick has now come down with it.  I'm praying that I stay well through Sunday night. 

It's Homecoming for the school, and I've volunteered to help with the Concessions.  Honestly, I just want to get a chance to meet and talk with everyone, but if it helps the school, then that's a bonus!

One of our friends gave us some raw honey yesterday, so we decided to heat it up today.  We read a few different sites and decided to heat it up in the crock pot, full of hot water.  We didn't want it to get too hot, and one of the sites said to keep the water temp around 110(ish).  So, we left the top off the crock pot (it wouldn't fit anyway) and just put the jug of honey in.  It warmed up over about 10 hours, but now, it's nice and liquid-y and tastes great!  I'm not sure if it will re-crystallize, but we will find out!

So, some of you may know, Katie tends to walk on her toes.  She always has.  We've asked random doctors, and they haven't said much.  Well, today, we had Ryan's Physical Therapist take a look at her.  The therapist ran Katie through some exercises and tests, and the conclusion she came to was that Katie has very poor balance, and she goes up on her toes to compensate for her balance.   If she keeps on her toes, she could have problems when she gets older, so we'd like to get her to stop.  The therapist said that once she get's better balance, she will automatically get off her toes.  Woo hoo!  The best part is that the therapist is at the school every Thursday anyway, to work with Ryan.  If Katie spends 20 minutes with her every week, not only will Ryan have someone to play with during his therapy time, but Katie might get better balance!  The only concern would be that it is during her math time, but since math is her best subject, her teacher and I aren't that concerned.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love this school?? 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 19, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (it was warm enough to need the A/C in the car, but not so hot that we needed it in the house.  I take that as a win.)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... to busy.

Allen was feeling well enough to go to school, although I'm sure there was some debate from the other students and teachers.  He was still coughing, but said he was glad he went, since he would have hated to miss another day of school. 

He even attempted to go to Football practice.  He didn't participate in the practice, but was able to listen to the coach, as they went over new plays.  He said that he will go again tomorrow, because he misses too much when he stayed home.  I love how dedicated he is!  He seemed to be feeling better this evening, so I dosed him with some NyQuil, and he should be better by the morning.

I spent the morning in town, doing my weekly shopping.  This weekend is Homecoming, so I'll be spending most of Friday and Saturday at the school, which doesn't leave much time for shopping.  And, somehow, I still made it back in time to get to our Web Design class. 

When I got home, Patrick let me know that one of my amazing friends had left me some raw honey.  A lot of the ranches out here have bees, so they apparently have lots of raw honey, just taking up space.  We now have 2 jugs of it!  I'm so excited.  Of course, I have no idea what to do with it now, but I'm excited just the same.  (I've heard that you heat it up, and you can use it just like regular processed honey... we'll see.)

And, I got to top off my evening with an amazing group of women at our book club!  This month's book was kind of hard for me to get into, mostly because I was so busy, I couldn't really find the time to read.  I didn't get all the way finished, so I had to get the ending from the girls.  I asked if I could keep the book for an extra day, so I could finish it.  The funny part is that I didn't really like the book, but I have this problem where once I start a book, I really, really want to finish it.  Just one of my many little quirks. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 18, 2012

Outside Temp: 51 F (it was up into the 80's again... a little on the warm side, but no complaints.  We could use some rain, though... but I guess everyone could right now... )

What I cooked today:
Beef Stew: I picked up a roast a few days ago, and I decided that rather than try a roast, I would cut up the meat and make a beef stew.  Then, I subjected my husband and my ill son to the smell of beef stew wafting through the house all day long.  hehehe.

Allen stayed home sick today, hacking and coughing, until it made him sick, which is never fun.  Of course, he was worse when he laid down, so he really wanted to be up today.  And, since he was 'up', why couldn't he play video games?  Uh, no.  He could do homework.  Oh boy, that didn't go over well, but he did manage to get all his assignments completed.  I even called him from the school as soon as I learned his assignment in history, so he could have time to work on it.

I'm sure his work is not his best, but it's done and I guess that's all I can ask for.  He think's he's feeling better (as of about 8:30 tonight), so hopefully, he'll be okay to go to school tomorrow.  I'm not sure how he'll do in Football practice, but we'll deal with that when the time comes.

Connor got to do a lab in science today where they made cookies in the shape, and style, of an elemental atom.  His was sodium, so he was learning about how many electrons, neotrons and protons there were, and how they were formed.  Then he got to present 'his' cell.  I think he had a great time, and, while he was a little nervous yesterday, he felt great once it was done.  I asked some of the teachers how he was doing, and they said he was settling in just fine. 

My web design class is doing really well.  The class is actually paced a little too slow, since all of my students were able to complete the work for the rest of the week by the end of the day today (except one, who chose to finish tomorrow, so that he would have something to do).  I'm trying to think of something that I can have them work on, so they won't be bored.  I'm sure I'll come up with something. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17, 2012

Outside Temp: 48 F (it was a little chilly this morning, about 34, and got to a high of a little over 80... I can't ask for much better than that!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Mashed Potatoes: I needed a quick dinner, but I realized that if I didn't start using up my potatoes, they'd all go bad on me.  And you all know how annoying bad potatoes can be. 

I got to substitute teach for the math teacher today, which was great.  Of course, after about 20 minutes of the students using their personal white boards, with the dry erase markers, the smell in the room was causing a headache, but I just took some aspirin and kept on going.  The students were great today, and at the end, I really felt good about teaching.

Of course, we had to have something to counter my great day.  Allen got a cold, or something, so I had him go home at lunch.  He was in my math class, and was coughing up a storm.  He was hoping that he could deal with it, but I wouldn't let him.  He was so upset to be missing football practice, but I explained that if he was sick enough to go home from school, he was too sick to play football.  I think a lot of his complaining was bravado... he was too sick to really play anyway.

On top of that, Katie had a migraine during class today.  I gave her some migraine medicine (since I was conveniently in the school at the time), and she fell asleep during class.  She was reading in the bean bag in her class, and the next thing her teacher knew, she was fast asleep.  Her teacher let her just sleep through the rest of the day (about an hour) and when she woke up, she was feeling a little better.  I just love her teacher!

This evening, I got to go to our Booster Club meeting for the school.  We have our first home games this weekend, and I'm really looking forward to it!  Of course, I get the awesome opportunity to call parents and ask them to work at the concession for the games, but I guess that's just part of the whole 'president' package.  I hate asking people for things, but I am trying to stay positive that they will be nice!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16, 2012

Outside Temp: 43 F (it was cooler today, in the 70's... which was great because I could open up the windows and air out the house!)

What I cooked today:
Steaks and Potatoes: We had steaks on the Grandparent's bbq tonight for Allen's Birthday.  So yummy!

Chocolate Cake: We finally made a cake for the birthday party.  Grandma made some homemade frosting, and I made the cake. 

Today was our first day to sleep in for the last week or two.  And what time do my kids get up and start playing on the computer?  7:45am.  And, being a mom like I am, I woke up and made them breakfast.  So much for my sleeping in day!

Allen, Grandpa and Patrick went into town today to get Allen's new glasses.  His eyesight isn't awful, but I think they will help him see the board better in class, and read his books more accurately, especially the plus and minus signs in math.  I forgot to get a picture today, so I'll make sure to take one tomorrow.  Of course, Katie was worried that with Connor and Allen both getting glasses, that she would be next....  I'm sure I'll be setting up an appointment for her soon!

This evening, we had dinner up at the Grandparent's house for Allen's birthday.  Grandma's brother came by, so we could make it a family dinner.  Amazingly, Grandama spent most of the day making syrup and jam from her strawberries, and she still managed to have a family dinner on the table. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 15, 2012

Outside Temp: 55 F (it was less than 80 today, which is perfect.  It was still a little smoky, but not as bad as yesterday.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta: I asked Allen what he wanted for his birthday, and he asked for burgers and pasta.  No complaints from me, since it was so easy!  Woo hoo!

Brownies: I asked Allen if he wanted a cake or brownies, and he said he's rather have brownies.  If only I could remember how to make them... They turned out a little crispy on the edges, but not too bad. 

Happy 14th birthday to my oldest.  Which means that he can get his learner's permit in 6 more months.  I can't even imagine him driving, but I guess every parent has to deal with this feeling.  And, at least there are less cars on the road here than in that place we used to live.  Although there are more deer.

Today was a busy day of sports!  Allen had a game at 10 in Stanford, which meant that we were up and moving at 8am.  I was able to stop over at the Farmer's Market and pick up some rolls and nectarines, which were really good.  They had some really pretty jewelry, but I chose not to get anything this time... maybe next time.

After Allen's game, we had lunch in Stanford and then headed home.  Only to jump back in the car an hour later to bring Katie to her game.  Yes, if we had been thinking, we could have brought Katie's game clothes to Allen's game, and then we wouldn't have had to run back and forth.  Oh well, it meant that I got an hour nap, so I had no complaints.

Katie's game was over by 4ish, so we headed back home, to get ready for church.

Amazingly, I totally forgot to get out my camera with either game, so I have no pictures.  But we have another home game for each next week, so I will make sure to get pictures next time.  Right now, I'm just looking forward to sleeping in! 

Friday, September 14, 2012

September 14, 2012

Outside Temp: 56 F (it was 84 today, but it was hard to tell through all the smoke.  Ugh, I miss my clear Montana skies.)

What I cooked today:
Spaghetti Sauce: I decided early this morning that I was going to make dinner, if it killed me.  So, I started the spaghetti sauce early (around 9am, which is early for me).  Of course, I didn't have about 4 of the items I needed, since I haven't thought about cooking in so long.  It turned out fine, but it could have been better.  Oh well!  There was dinner on the table and it wasn't burgers!

You know those days where you are running all day long?  Yea, that was today.

I got the kids on the bus, and started.  I worked for a little bit this morning, but got out of here by 9:30, which got me into town around 10am.

From there, I stopped at:
Walgreens - to return an item.
CVS - to use up my $10 cash back coupon from 3 weeks ago, before it expired
Hostess - to get bread
Wal-Mart - I was going to pick up Allen's glasses, but realized I needed his head.  useless stop
Smiths - Groceries
Office Max - I got a dry erase calendar for Allen to keep track of homework, and a packet of pens for $0.50!
Scheels - to return Katie's volleyball shorts that were too big, and get Allen's socks, in black this time.
Target - Really good deal on Listerine
Albertsons - Detergent and toilet cleaner were on sale.
Hardee's (Carl's Jr.) - I had to eat sometime...

And, I managed to be on the road out of the Great Falls by 12:04. 

Which got me home with just enough time to breathe, check my e-mail, say hi to Ryan, before I headed over to the school for our Web Design class.

School was over at 2:30, so Connor and I headed home. 

Then I was back at the school at 5pm, to get Allen from practice.

And, finally, I went back to the school at 7pm to get Katie from her game in Harlowtown. 

Dinner was on the table by 8pm.

Tomorrow, will be quite busy as well, with both Allen's and Katie's games in Stanford.  But, at least that's only 2 trips! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 13, 2012

Outside Temp: 51 F (high of 82 today... low of 32... like freezing.... hehehe)

What I cooked today:
Chicken with Fried Rice: I asked Connor the standard question... 'Chicken or Beef?'  He picked chicken.  When Allen got home from practice, and I started up the fried rice, and he claimed that it would help his aching muscles.  Who knew?

This morning, when I got the kids up and ready for school, there was a small amount of grumbling, considering that it was 34 degrees outside.  I don't know what they were complaining about, since it was 57 in the house... I mean, it was practically a sauna!

Of course, once they were all four on the bus, I crawled back into my electric mattress pad heated bed and fell back asleep.  And I didn't even feel guilty about it!

When I got to the school, my superintendent was glad to see me.  Apparently, he really, really didn't like covering my web design class while I was gone.  I had to promise that I wouldn't leave him again.  Of course, I neglected to mention to him that we had to go back out to Seattle again in December.  Perhaps that will be far enough in the future that he'll forget that he didn't like covering my class for me.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12, 2012

Outside Temp: 39 F (ahh, to be home in our nice cool state...  Apparently, it was a high of 66 at home today.  It's beginning to look a lot like... )

What I cooked today:
Nothing... we got home too late to make dinner.  I'll have to think of something special tomorrow!

We are home!!  Woo hoo!

We headed out of Seattle around 7am this morning, and with the time change, we rolled into the house around 7:30 this evening (we had to stop in town for milk, since we were totally out!)

The drive was totally non eventful (especially since I DIDN'T hit either of the two deer that jumped in front of the car... I was being very aware!)  Ryan chatted the entire drive, while Patrick and I talked about new projects for the business, new technologies coming out, plans for the future and stuff like that.  After 12 hours in the car (with no Internet!), what else do you do?

We had to laugh when, at one moment we were listening to the radio, and I realized not only what the musician was saying, but what he actually meant.  Which then lead into the discussion of how on earth I could explain such inappropriate innuendo to my son, if he happened to hear the song, and start to sing along.  Oh goodness, I was flabbergasted.  I know that there were plenty of songs during my generation that pushed the 'innuendo' button a little too much, but as a mom, it's really hard.

I'm not big into the 'banning' of music (or pretty much anything) in our house, so I'm not about to say the kids can't listen to the radio.  So, I usually tend to be up front and honest about exactly what the artist is saying.  This has lead to a few really red faces (one particular song used the phrase 'menage a tois', and so I explained what this was... oh boy, that was fun!).  But, I would much rather have the kids know what they are saying, than to sing along happily ignorant (while other people are laughing). 

Anyway, we arrived home without a solution, but I'm sure at some point (in the probably near future, since the song was quite popular on the radio), I'll be explaining yet another inappropriate innuendo to my (almost) 14 year old son.  Hopefully, I'll have a few days to come up with an explanation... other than 'go ask your father.'

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012

Outside Temp: who knows.

What I cooked today:
Nothing.  Again.

Clinic in Seattle today. 

Ryan woke up at 7:30 this morning, even though we didn't need to be at the clinic until 12:30.  So, he spent the morning in bed, watching cartoons (I didn't mind the Tom and Jerry or Micky Mouse, but some of those cartoons are just plain annoying.)  I debated between getting up and going back to sleep, but the annoyance of cartoons kept me awake. 

Patrick was able to work for the first few hours, and then we headed over to clinic.  We got labs drawn, then ate at the cafeteria, then waited for our turn (which always seems to take forever.)

We met with the GI (intestine) and Transplant team first.  He is stable on the meds we have now, and he's not loosing weight (which would be a problem.)  They would like to see him gain a little bit, especially since he's eating much more now than ever before.  Our plan is to discuss decreasing his TPN in December, if he has gained anything between now and then.  (the long, long term plan would be to decrease his TPN each year, until either becomes mal-nourished, which would indicate that his intestine can't absorb enough to sustain him, or he gets off the TPN entirely.  But, this is a decade long plan, and we all know how plans go with Ryan)

After GI and Transplant, we met with his Hematologist (blood) about his blood issues.  He has a random clotting disorder, which we blame for his loss of intestine in the first place.  She is pleased with his current levels and thinks we are doing just fine.  She will see us again in 6 months, but until then, she'll just get labs drawn and check them out, but we don't need to see her in clinic, which is convenient.

And then we were done.  We had a nice dinner out, and then headed back to the hotel, where Ryan has run around like a banshee for the last few hours.  He is ready to get back home to the wide open spaces.  And I'm looking forward to being able to open my back door and let him run in the backyard, without me having to run around with him. 

Tomorrow will be another long drive home, but at least we know that Montana is at the end of the drive, and that always makes it a little easier!

September 10, 2012

Outside Temp: don't know... it was humid here, with a few little drops.  But not as much rain as I expected.

What I cooked today:
Nothing... eating out is expensive.  Eating out in Seattle?  Really, really expensive.  I think I'm looking for a Subway or McDonald's, just because it will be cheaper than eating at the places we have been eating.  Or better yet, go with real food from the grocery store..

We have a new central line!!

We woke up early this morning (6:00, which is really early for me!) and drove over to the hospital.  We were checked in and in Pre-Op by 7:00.  The surgeon and anesthesiologist came by and got history and consents and we discussed what was going on. 

By 8:00, he was back in the OR and I was in the cafeteria getting breakfast.

I got paged a few minutes after 9:00, and the surgeon said he was all done, with no problems!  With a central line placement, they go from a location on either the right or left side of the chest.  The catheter is tunneled up into the neck, and then drops down a vein on either side of the neck into the heart.  The surgeon said that he ultrasounded both sides, and the left side was very narrow and thin, but the right side looked good (the line we just pulled out was on the left side).  The right side is actually much easier.

I was called back to recovery around 10:30ish.  He was a little groggy, but very happily took a Popsicle and wanted to watch cartoons.  By 11:30, we were done and they were signing our discharge paperwork, and by noon, we were back in our hotel room!

We weren't sure if they would discharge us after the procedure, so we were prepared either way.  Patrick had some work to do, so while I was at the hospital, he arranged for us to have the room at the hotel for two more nights.  That way, if we had to stay at the hospital, he could stay in the hotel and work.  We were lucky in that we were prepared either way. 

Ryan (and I) took a few hours once we got back to 'rest'.  That means that I slept, while he watched tv.  Then the 3 of us went out for dinner.  We walked around the University Village (which is just a shopping center right next to our hotel), had a good (albeit expensive) dinner and then played at the Microsoft store.  They had about 6 XBox 360's set up, so Ryan just ran over to one, loaded up a game, and was happy as a clam.  Patrick spent about an hour (perhaps 2) talking with one of the sales guys about something technical.  And I pulled up a chair and waited.  And waited.  And waited. 

We finally came back to the hotel, where Ryan enjoyed having access to Cartoon Network (which I absolutely hate, by the way).  I'm totally grateful that we don't have to stay in the hospital.  It's a little weird, thinking that he just had minor surgery.  But I'm grateful.

Tomorrow, we have a clinic appointment in the afternoon.  We probably won't be done with clinic until about 5ish, so, we'll stay tomorrow night as well.

To top off our awesome day, I heard that not only did Allen's Junior High Football team won their game against Geraldine/Highwood.  But, I heard that Allen scored a touchdown!!  Woo hoo!  I hate that I missed it, but I'm so proud of him.  He was flying high when I talked to him on the phone and the only downside is that he had homework to do once he got home.  Oh well, even football players have to do their homework.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 9, 2012

Outside Temp: no clue... humid here in Seattle...

What I cooked today:
Nothing... lots of fast food and junk food!

We survived the drive out here to Seattle, without any incident.  Patrick and I chatted the whole drive, and Ryan just sat in the back, playing with his IPad and reading books and chatting away with himself.  He is really, really good on these drives!

He's already asleep for the night, which is good since we are scheduled to check in to pre-op around 6:45... in the morning!  At least we're on Pacific time, so it's actually 7:45 for my body... I get to sleep in!

I'm a little bummed that I'll be missing Allen's game against Geraldine tomorrow afternoon., but Grandma and Grandpa said they would cheer for us. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 55 F (a little warmer today, up to 88, but no complaints... I'd really like some rain.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Green Beans: We had a lot going on, so I didn't get started on dinner until about 9pm.  Once we get back from Seattle, I'm totally going back to having a schedule, so I won't be wondering at 7pm what on earth we are having for dinner.

Canned Peaches: We got 24 lbs of peaches from Bountiful Baskets last week.  I let them ripen on my kitchen table for the first two days, and they were perfect.  Unfortunately, I didn't have time to do anything with them, so they've been in my fridge (hopefully not bruising) for the last few days.  Today, I finally had time to can them.  (of course, I HAD to get them done today, since they may not have lasted until we got back).  I ended up with 9 quarts of canned peaches.  I think I might open up one can next week, just to confirm that they taste good.  I figure we'll have them with dinner or lunch or over cottage cheese... yum!

We spent most of the day relaxing, since tomorrow will be spent in the car for a thousand hours (okay, not really). 

I had some things to take care of, such as my canning of my peaches, but otherwise, it was kind of relaxing. 

I made sure all the kids had their homework done, and we have schedules for next week all set.  I hope that there are no problems while we are gone. 

Wish us luck!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

September 7, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (it was almost freezing this morning, 33, and it got up to 80!)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... Grandma and Grandpa got a new bar-b-que today, so we went up there for dinner.  Sometimes, it takes a while to learn how to make a new device work well.  But, with a little extra time on the stove, the meat was moist and delicious!  And Grandma paired it with corn and tater tots and beans... Could you ask for more?

I have finally finished my training at the post office!  The funny part is that my work there will be only a relief, which means I only have to work if the regular postmistress can't make it.  Which means that I probably won't be working much... perhaps a little around Christmas and maybe during the winter when the snows are bad.  And, since it may be a month or 2 before I work again, I'm sure things will change between now and then.  Which means that some of my training will have been useless.  Oh well, I guess that's how it works! 

Katie would have had a Volleyball game today in Melstone (which is about 3 hours away, one way!!), but, since she's young (and inexperienced), she asked if she could skip it.  Yea!  If she had gone, she would have left school around noon and wouldn't have been home until about midnight!  I was so grateful that her coach let her out of the game.  I can imagine for Varsity or perhaps College sports, but she's only in 5th grade! 

We are 'dog sitting' for one of our neighbors, and Katie has become very attached to the 12 year old black lab.  Of course, she (the dog) has arthritis and other medical issues, as she's old and that's just what happens.  But, Katie has never had a pet get old on her.  The cats we had in CA all got eaten by coyotes, so she never saw them old.  I'm sure this will be a good life lesson for her, but it's hard in the 'during' stage. 

Tomorrow should be a slightly relaxing day.  I have to process 20 lbs of peaches and can them, along with roasting peppers and canning them.  But, other than that, I should be bored... I hope...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6, 2012

Outside Temp: 42 F (we had a high of 64, which I think is perfect.  It threatened to rain most of the day, but I don't think we actually got any rain... oh well... perhaps if we stop talking about it, it might actually let some water fall!)

What I cooked today:
Nothing.. too stinking busy!

You know, the funny thing about busy days... at the end of them, you know that you did something.  It may not matter to the world at large, but you know that you were running all day, and that you were never bored.

I got to substitute teach today, again, for a different teacher this time.  Of course, by now, I know all the students and I've had all of them at one time or another.  So, it's more like private tutoring my friend's kids. 

Katie had her first Volleyball game tonight.  And while they didn't win, she played well and had fun.  Of course, she would have liked to have won, but perhaps these things take time.  Of course, I didn't realize that she needed black volleyball shorts, so she played in her jean shorts.  Oh well.  She has shorts now, so she'll look right at the next game.

After the game, we met with a friend who we are dog-watching for a few days, to go over the things we need to do.  Which allowed Katie to love all over her dog.  Then, of course, we stopped at the barn to coo and ahh over the beautiful horses.  I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep Katie off of these horses!  She was in heaven and really, really didn't want to leave.

After that, we decided to take Connor into town to see about ordering him new glasses (he broke his last night).  The store said they didn't have his glasses in stock, so he'd need to pick out new frames and then wait a week for the new lenses to get made.  Well, we walked into the store and found a pair of glasses that were exactly like his old ones, just a different color.  Which meant that his current lenses fit into them perfectly.  We were able to walk out of the store with new glasses today, with no payment, since the original's glasses were still under warranty.  Woo hoo!

We even spoiled Connor with dinner at Fuddruckers in town, and made it home in time to get everyone into bed (albeit a little late). 

And then, I spoiled myself with a 15 minute hot shower.  Ahhh, life is good.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 5, 2012

Outside Temp: 59 F ( it was a little warmer today, high of 77, but still beautiful...  I won't discuss that white stuff, because it will probably get me run out of town.  But, in my own way, I'm looking forward to it!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Tater Tots: I almost made chicken, but, then I realized I was exhausted and I didn't want to go to the effort.  So, I threw the already defrosted chicken into the fridge and pulled out a block of frozen ground beef for burgers.  I'm so lazy!  But, we all had a good dinner and it didn't take too much effort.

So, I got to substitute teach today for our new PE/Accounting/Business teacher.  I must say, I love the first part of the day.  I got to teach 2 classes of Business and 1 of Accounting, which was fun!  The kids are so great and we got through our assignments with no problems.  We even had some free time to throw around some real work scenarios in Accounting. 

Then, I had to do PE.  Oh, boy, I am so lazy and out of shape that I do terrible in PE.  It was also sunny, and me and sun just don't mix.  So, by the time I finished my 3rd PE class, I was so tired and hot and sunburned and cranky, and it took all my strength to get through our Web Design class 8th period.  Since one of my students in web design has a Volleyball game on Friday, I wanted to make sure she completed all her assignments by tomorrow, since she wouldn't be in class on Friday.  I don't think we'll have a problem, if we just stay on top of it. 

By the time I got home, Patrick just laughed when he saw me.  I'm beet red, my face and neck is totally sunburned.  And, I was not a pleasant person to be around.  I've recovered a little, but I'm sure a good night's sleep is what I really need!

I get to sub again tomorrow, but at least I get to stay inside all day. 

Also, I talked to Allen's math teacher and she thinks he might need glasses.  Or else he's just not paying attention.  So, we'll have an appointment for the eye doctor on Friday to see how his eyes measure up.  If he has the genetic traits, I figure that a new pair of glasses will be in his future. 

And, on the subject of glasses, Connor managed to break his today.  The lenses are fine, but he shattered his frames.  The good news is that they are under warranty, so we don't have to pay for replacements.  The bad news is that they are not in stock, so we'll have to wait a week.  I hope he can remember how to see without them!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4, 2012

Outside Temp: 43 (high of 66... I couldn't ask for better!!)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... we went into town for dinner.

Totally busy day today! 

I worked at the post office until 1:30, then ran over to the school to work until 3:30.  I had a great day in our Web Design class.  Today was the first official day of their class, so we actually had something to do.  I don't think there is anything worse than bored teenagers.  The last week and half, they were just killing time until their class started.  We were able to get through all of their assignments and there was only a minimal amount of grumbling or complaining.  Woo hoo!

After school, Connor worked on his 7th grade Science homework.  We are not sure when he will be able to officially start the 7th grade, but we don't want him too far behind on his class work.  So, he will be doing the assignments at home until such time as he can officially be in class. 

Then, since we had to run into Great Falls to get Ryan's dressing changed, we decided to bring all the kids into town with us as soon as practice was over.  Allen brought the tablet computer, so he could work on his homework.  Connor has his computer, so he could work on his story.  Ryan had his IPad, so he could play games and Katie brought her book, so she could read.  The car ride was amazingly quiet and there was no fighting or complaining. 

We stopped for dinner, got a few groceries, got gas for the car and then headed into the hospital, where the nurses were ready to change his dressing on his line.  The kids hung out in the 'waiting room', where Allen finished his homework and everyone behaved.  Ryan got his dressing changed pretty quickly (in less than 20 minutes, since we just had to chat with our nurses), and then we headed back home.

It was great to have Allen be able to grab his USB drive from the tablet, plug it into the main computer, and print off his homework for 2 different classes with no problems. 

Tomorrow, I get to substitute teach for the PE/Business/Accounting teacher, which I'm sure will be fun.  Okay, not the PE part, but the business and accounting part!  I really hated PE in school...

Monday, September 3, 2012

September 3, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (the low was 33 last night... which caused me to wake up around 4am and put extra blankets on everyone's beds... and close the windows... hmmm)

What I cooked today:
Chicken and Fried Rice: Yea, no burgers!  Even I was getting sick of burgers.  Of course, I messed up the chicken by rushing and not shaking the chicken in cornstarch.  This caused the fluid to essentially boil the chicken, where as the cornstarch would have soaked up the fluid and made a kind of crust around the chicken, sealing in the moisture.  Oh well, I just have to remember that this one little step makes a difference!

Allen went up to help the Grandparents move rocks today.  I'm not sure exactly what that means, but apparently, he moved a lot of rocks.  It seems that everyone told him that moving rocks was good for your muscles, but by the end of the day, he was ready to smack the next person who said it.  I guess I can understand that!

The rest of us just sat around and played games and watched TV.  It was a little unfair (considering the amount of work that Allen was doing), but we didn't really care.  I did a ton of laundry, and we cleaned up the house a little, but otherwise, it was a very nice, lazy Labor Day!

September 2, 2012

Outside Temp: 59 F (it was really nice today... great day for a drive up into the Highwoods!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and French Fries: I almost went with meat loaf, but in the end, I decided on the easy route.  Maybe tomorrow, I'll make something that takes effort and time... or not.

Grandma and Grandpa took a drive up to Deer Creek in the Highwoods.  They went the 'long way', which took about 2 hours to go about 25 miles... they even had to 'ford' the creek a few times!  Definitely not a trip for our little yellow car.

They stopped a few times, to let Ryan play in the water.  He had a blast, chasing the fish.  Amazingly, the fish didn't seem that concerned...

I got my camera back, so I was able to post the pictures of yesterday's game. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1, 2012

Outside Temp: 48 F (it was cooler today, in the mid 80's.. perfect for Football!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Corn: Allen actually asked for my burgers, when we offered to take him into town for dinner.  I guess it was easier this way!


The Geyser/Stanford Junior High team won, 56-0!  Which is insane!

Allen got to play almost the entire second half, and he made a couple of key tackles and blocks. By the end, he had gotten over his jitters and was really enjoying himself.  He said he really likes to tackle... hmmm, who would have guessed.

The Varsity team also won by a landslide.  I took pictures of both games, but I left my camera in the Grandparent's car... I'll post pictures tomorrow.