Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (another beautiful day in Fall... a little chilly in the AM, but nice most of the day.  No complaints)

What I cooked today:
Italian Casserole (page 57) : I wanted to try something else from our new cookbook.  This one uses ground beef and macaroni, which always go good together.  The kids thought it was okay, but Patrick really liked it.  I might have to try this one again!

We had breakfast up at the Grandparents, which was an excuse to use up some eggs.  Grandma thought it was funny, since she called at about 9am, and we were actually up there by 9:15ish.  We all laughed when we explained that when someone else is cooking a meal, we actually move our tails.  Now she knows how to get my husband up there to work!

Patrick and the Grandparents went to the Adult Faith class at the church this evening, which left me at home with the kids (by choice... I probably could have made it to the class, but I hadn't done the reading and I wanted to get dinner on the table.) 

Amazingly, Allen didn't have any homework, other than studying for a test tomorrow.  I think this is the first night in weeks that he hasn't had any homework, so he relaxed and watched TV and played a video game...  Up until the moment I asked him to do the dishes, which prompted a little complaints, but the dishes got done, so I don't mind a little complaining.  He doesn't have a game until next Tuesday, so this will be our first 'free' weekend in weeks.  I have a feeling that we will all be vegging around the house, doing absolutely nothing... Or not.

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