Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

Outside Temp: 49 F (it was really nice today... in the low 80's, but pretty...)

What I cooked today:
Honey Glazed Chicken (page 57): As you may know, our Altar Society has created a cookbook!  I have decided to try a few new recipes, and this one sounded good!  We got some raw honey from a (totally awesome) friend, which made this recipe easy and tasty!  It was similar to a Chinese recipe I have (with soy sauce and lemon juice), so I paired it with some fried rice.  Everyone loved it!  I can't wait to try something new tomorrow.  (and remember, if you want a copy of our cookbook, just let me know!)

I got to sub today for the English classes.  It was really fun to have both Connor and Allen in class, together.  They don't really act like brothers in class, except when they are challenging each other. 

The best part was when the vocabulary book required the kids to write sentences starting with: "The politician showed he was Machiavellian when he..." and the students needed to finish the sentence.  Oh boy, did we have fun brainstorming some ideas for that one.  My favorite was: "The politician showed he was Machiavellian when he poisoned his opponent's dog."  Where do these kids come up with these ideas? 

The worst part of the day was when a wasp managed to get into my classroom.  It was during my 7th/8th grade English, which is one of my larger classes (about 7 kids).  I don't like wasps.  I don't like bugs.  I don't like spiders.  I would have been fine, but when the kids started screaming and running around, ducking for cover, I admit I was a little agitated.  I don't think I screamed like a little girl, but I was not happy.  Our superintendent had just left our class, so I (probably not a good idea) stuck my head out my door and called for him.  I know, not one of my more impressive moments. 

I'm sure I could have handled myself a little better, but it was a wasp.  And I don't like wasps.  The Superintendent was kind enough to come back, settle us down a little, get a fly swatter and kill the silly thing.  I felt pretty lame, but I got the class re-settled and we finished our work.  And I was a little embarrassed at my inability to resolve the situation on my own.  But, gosh darnnit, it was a wasp.  I wasn't concerned about myself.  But, if one of those kids got stung, on my watch, I'd feel really bad.  I just hope it doesn't go in my permanent file... this sub is fine, but she sucks when flying insects are involved.  

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