Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 5, 2012

Outside Temp: 59 F ( it was a little warmer today, high of 77, but still beautiful...  I won't discuss that white stuff, because it will probably get me run out of town.  But, in my own way, I'm looking forward to it!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Tater Tots: I almost made chicken, but, then I realized I was exhausted and I didn't want to go to the effort.  So, I threw the already defrosted chicken into the fridge and pulled out a block of frozen ground beef for burgers.  I'm so lazy!  But, we all had a good dinner and it didn't take too much effort.

So, I got to substitute teach today for our new PE/Accounting/Business teacher.  I must say, I love the first part of the day.  I got to teach 2 classes of Business and 1 of Accounting, which was fun!  The kids are so great and we got through our assignments with no problems.  We even had some free time to throw around some real work scenarios in Accounting. 

Then, I had to do PE.  Oh, boy, I am so lazy and out of shape that I do terrible in PE.  It was also sunny, and me and sun just don't mix.  So, by the time I finished my 3rd PE class, I was so tired and hot and sunburned and cranky, and it took all my strength to get through our Web Design class 8th period.  Since one of my students in web design has a Volleyball game on Friday, I wanted to make sure she completed all her assignments by tomorrow, since she wouldn't be in class on Friday.  I don't think we'll have a problem, if we just stay on top of it. 

By the time I got home, Patrick just laughed when he saw me.  I'm beet red, my face and neck is totally sunburned.  And, I was not a pleasant person to be around.  I've recovered a little, but I'm sure a good night's sleep is what I really need!

I get to sub again tomorrow, but at least I get to stay inside all day. 

Also, I talked to Allen's math teacher and she thinks he might need glasses.  Or else he's just not paying attention.  So, we'll have an appointment for the eye doctor on Friday to see how his eyes measure up.  If he has the genetic traits, I figure that a new pair of glasses will be in his future. 

And, on the subject of glasses, Connor managed to break his today.  The lenses are fine, but he shattered his frames.  The good news is that they are under warranty, so we don't have to pay for replacements.  The bad news is that they are not in stock, so we'll have to wait a week.  I hope he can remember how to see without them!

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