Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012

Outside Temp: who knows.

What I cooked today:
Nothing.  Again.

Clinic in Seattle today. 

Ryan woke up at 7:30 this morning, even though we didn't need to be at the clinic until 12:30.  So, he spent the morning in bed, watching cartoons (I didn't mind the Tom and Jerry or Micky Mouse, but some of those cartoons are just plain annoying.)  I debated between getting up and going back to sleep, but the annoyance of cartoons kept me awake. 

Patrick was able to work for the first few hours, and then we headed over to clinic.  We got labs drawn, then ate at the cafeteria, then waited for our turn (which always seems to take forever.)

We met with the GI (intestine) and Transplant team first.  He is stable on the meds we have now, and he's not loosing weight (which would be a problem.)  They would like to see him gain a little bit, especially since he's eating much more now than ever before.  Our plan is to discuss decreasing his TPN in December, if he has gained anything between now and then.  (the long, long term plan would be to decrease his TPN each year, until either becomes mal-nourished, which would indicate that his intestine can't absorb enough to sustain him, or he gets off the TPN entirely.  But, this is a decade long plan, and we all know how plans go with Ryan)

After GI and Transplant, we met with his Hematologist (blood) about his blood issues.  He has a random clotting disorder, which we blame for his loss of intestine in the first place.  She is pleased with his current levels and thinks we are doing just fine.  She will see us again in 6 months, but until then, she'll just get labs drawn and check them out, but we don't need to see her in clinic, which is convenient.

And then we were done.  We had a nice dinner out, and then headed back to the hotel, where Ryan has run around like a banshee for the last few hours.  He is ready to get back home to the wide open spaces.  And I'm looking forward to being able to open my back door and let him run in the backyard, without me having to run around with him. 

Tomorrow will be another long drive home, but at least we know that Montana is at the end of the drive, and that always makes it a little easier!

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