Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16, 2012

Outside Temp: 43 F (it was cooler today, in the 70's... which was great because I could open up the windows and air out the house!)

What I cooked today:
Steaks and Potatoes: We had steaks on the Grandparent's bbq tonight for Allen's Birthday.  So yummy!

Chocolate Cake: We finally made a cake for the birthday party.  Grandma made some homemade frosting, and I made the cake. 

Today was our first day to sleep in for the last week or two.  And what time do my kids get up and start playing on the computer?  7:45am.  And, being a mom like I am, I woke up and made them breakfast.  So much for my sleeping in day!

Allen, Grandpa and Patrick went into town today to get Allen's new glasses.  His eyesight isn't awful, but I think they will help him see the board better in class, and read his books more accurately, especially the plus and minus signs in math.  I forgot to get a picture today, so I'll make sure to take one tomorrow.  Of course, Katie was worried that with Connor and Allen both getting glasses, that she would be next....  I'm sure I'll be setting up an appointment for her soon!

This evening, we had dinner up at the Grandparent's house for Allen's birthday.  Grandma's brother came by, so we could make it a family dinner.  Amazingly, Grandama spent most of the day making syrup and jam from her strawberries, and she still managed to have a family dinner on the table. 

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