Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6, 2012

Outside Temp: 42 F (we had a high of 64, which I think is perfect.  It threatened to rain most of the day, but I don't think we actually got any rain... oh well... perhaps if we stop talking about it, it might actually let some water fall!)

What I cooked today:
Nothing.. too stinking busy!

You know, the funny thing about busy days... at the end of them, you know that you did something.  It may not matter to the world at large, but you know that you were running all day, and that you were never bored.

I got to substitute teach today, again, for a different teacher this time.  Of course, by now, I know all the students and I've had all of them at one time or another.  So, it's more like private tutoring my friend's kids. 

Katie had her first Volleyball game tonight.  And while they didn't win, she played well and had fun.  Of course, she would have liked to have won, but perhaps these things take time.  Of course, I didn't realize that she needed black volleyball shorts, so she played in her jean shorts.  Oh well.  She has shorts now, so she'll look right at the next game.

After the game, we met with a friend who we are dog-watching for a few days, to go over the things we need to do.  Which allowed Katie to love all over her dog.  Then, of course, we stopped at the barn to coo and ahh over the beautiful horses.  I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep Katie off of these horses!  She was in heaven and really, really didn't want to leave.

After that, we decided to take Connor into town to see about ordering him new glasses (he broke his last night).  The store said they didn't have his glasses in stock, so he'd need to pick out new frames and then wait a week for the new lenses to get made.  Well, we walked into the store and found a pair of glasses that were exactly like his old ones, just a different color.  Which meant that his current lenses fit into them perfectly.  We were able to walk out of the store with new glasses today, with no payment, since the original's glasses were still under warranty.  Woo hoo!

We even spoiled Connor with dinner at Fuddruckers in town, and made it home in time to get everyone into bed (albeit a little late). 

And then, I spoiled myself with a 15 minute hot shower.  Ahhh, life is good.

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