Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20, 2012

Outside Temp: 50 F (It didn't hit 80 today, which makes me happy.  A little rain might be nice, but otherwise, no complaints!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Corn (and Pasta) : We picked up some locally grown beef today.  One of our (totally awesome) friends had some ground beef, already packaged up in 1lb packs, just waiting for us!  So, I just had to make burgers, to see how it tasted.  I must say, it was wonderful!!  It doesn't hurt that my kids love burgers, but this meat was great!  I'm looking forward to the next 18 lbs.  The corn, on the other hand, wasn't so good.  It wasn't very sweet, and my picky husband complained a little.  So, I whipped up a pot of pasta, to supplement (since I only made enough burgers for 1 a piece).  Everyone's going to bed with a full tummy tonight.

Allen is recovering from his cough, but, as luck would have it, Patrick has now come down with it.  I'm praying that I stay well through Sunday night. 

It's Homecoming for the school, and I've volunteered to help with the Concessions.  Honestly, I just want to get a chance to meet and talk with everyone, but if it helps the school, then that's a bonus!

One of our friends gave us some raw honey yesterday, so we decided to heat it up today.  We read a few different sites and decided to heat it up in the crock pot, full of hot water.  We didn't want it to get too hot, and one of the sites said to keep the water temp around 110(ish).  So, we left the top off the crock pot (it wouldn't fit anyway) and just put the jug of honey in.  It warmed up over about 10 hours, but now, it's nice and liquid-y and tastes great!  I'm not sure if it will re-crystallize, but we will find out!

So, some of you may know, Katie tends to walk on her toes.  She always has.  We've asked random doctors, and they haven't said much.  Well, today, we had Ryan's Physical Therapist take a look at her.  The therapist ran Katie through some exercises and tests, and the conclusion she came to was that Katie has very poor balance, and she goes up on her toes to compensate for her balance.   If she keeps on her toes, she could have problems when she gets older, so we'd like to get her to stop.  The therapist said that once she get's better balance, she will automatically get off her toes.  Woo hoo!  The best part is that the therapist is at the school every Thursday anyway, to work with Ryan.  If Katie spends 20 minutes with her every week, not only will Ryan have someone to play with during his therapy time, but Katie might get better balance!  The only concern would be that it is during her math time, but since math is her best subject, her teacher and I aren't that concerned.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love this school?? 

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