Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17, 2012

Outside Temp: 48 F (it was a little chilly this morning, about 34, and got to a high of a little over 80... I can't ask for much better than that!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Mashed Potatoes: I needed a quick dinner, but I realized that if I didn't start using up my potatoes, they'd all go bad on me.  And you all know how annoying bad potatoes can be. 

I got to substitute teach for the math teacher today, which was great.  Of course, after about 20 minutes of the students using their personal white boards, with the dry erase markers, the smell in the room was causing a headache, but I just took some aspirin and kept on going.  The students were great today, and at the end, I really felt good about teaching.

Of course, we had to have something to counter my great day.  Allen got a cold, or something, so I had him go home at lunch.  He was in my math class, and was coughing up a storm.  He was hoping that he could deal with it, but I wouldn't let him.  He was so upset to be missing football practice, but I explained that if he was sick enough to go home from school, he was too sick to play football.  I think a lot of his complaining was bravado... he was too sick to really play anyway.

On top of that, Katie had a migraine during class today.  I gave her some migraine medicine (since I was conveniently in the school at the time), and she fell asleep during class.  She was reading in the bean bag in her class, and the next thing her teacher knew, she was fast asleep.  Her teacher let her just sleep through the rest of the day (about an hour) and when she woke up, she was feeling a little better.  I just love her teacher!

This evening, I got to go to our Booster Club meeting for the school.  We have our first home games this weekend, and I'm really looking forward to it!  Of course, I get the awesome opportunity to call parents and ask them to work at the concession for the games, but I guess that's just part of the whole 'president' package.  I hate asking people for things, but I am trying to stay positive that they will be nice!

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