Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 18, 2012

Outside Temp: 51 F (it was up into the 80's again... a little on the warm side, but no complaints.  We could use some rain, though... but I guess everyone could right now... )

What I cooked today:
Beef Stew: I picked up a roast a few days ago, and I decided that rather than try a roast, I would cut up the meat and make a beef stew.  Then, I subjected my husband and my ill son to the smell of beef stew wafting through the house all day long.  hehehe.

Allen stayed home sick today, hacking and coughing, until it made him sick, which is never fun.  Of course, he was worse when he laid down, so he really wanted to be up today.  And, since he was 'up', why couldn't he play video games?  Uh, no.  He could do homework.  Oh boy, that didn't go over well, but he did manage to get all his assignments completed.  I even called him from the school as soon as I learned his assignment in history, so he could have time to work on it.

I'm sure his work is not his best, but it's done and I guess that's all I can ask for.  He think's he's feeling better (as of about 8:30 tonight), so hopefully, he'll be okay to go to school tomorrow.  I'm not sure how he'll do in Football practice, but we'll deal with that when the time comes.

Connor got to do a lab in science today where they made cookies in the shape, and style, of an elemental atom.  His was sodium, so he was learning about how many electrons, neotrons and protons there were, and how they were formed.  Then he got to present 'his' cell.  I think he had a great time, and, while he was a little nervous yesterday, he felt great once it was done.  I asked some of the teachers how he was doing, and they said he was settling in just fine. 

My web design class is doing really well.  The class is actually paced a little too slow, since all of my students were able to complete the work for the rest of the week by the end of the day today (except one, who chose to finish tomorrow, so that he would have something to do).  I'm trying to think of something that I can have them work on, so they won't be bored.  I'm sure I'll come up with something. 

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