Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012

Outside Temp: 46 F (it's supposed to start getting chilly, but today was just beautiful!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Fries: Patrick called and said he wouldn't be home for dinner.. So there was no reason to go to the effort to make something nice... Sounds like it'll be burgers tonight!

Ahh, my lazy day... Finally.

I spent most of the day baby sitting the washing machine and dryer.  I folded the 5(ish) loads from yesterday, and the 6+ loads from today.  Ugh, I hate laundry.  I really should take a picture of the pile of socks on my couch, but I'm too embarrassed.  I hate, hate, hate folding socks.  So, when I fold laundry, I toss the socks into a pile, with the intention of folding them once I'm finished.  But, I find that I am never actually finished.  Nope, can't do the socks yet, there's another load coming out of the dryer.  Nope, can do the socks now, have to make dinner.  Nope, can't do the socks now, it's time for bed... and on and on.  I can make up plenty of excuses for not folding socks, and so they just sit there, growing into a heaping mound on my couch.  Sometimes, someone wants to actually sit on the couch, so the pile of socks gets tossed into a laundry basket.  Which, then can get confused with dirty laundry, and has to be re-washed.  Oh goodness, I hate socks. 

Other than that, I watched Allen work on his history report.  It's not due until Wednesday, but with practice on Monday and a game on Tuesday, I know that he won't have the time to work on it.  And, by 'suggesting' that he complete his report today, it's all done.  He's a little nervous, since they are doing a report instead of a normal chapter test.  Which means that it's worth 300 points and he really, really wants to get a good grade.  The good part is that he can show his teacher tomorrow, and get any suggestions for corrections or changes.

And somehow, it is now Sunday night, and it's time for another week to begin.  Ugh, can't we just add an extra day to the weekend? 

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