Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 10, 2012

Outside Temp: don't know... it was humid here, with a few little drops.  But not as much rain as I expected.

What I cooked today:
Nothing... eating out is expensive.  Eating out in Seattle?  Really, really expensive.  I think I'm looking for a Subway or McDonald's, just because it will be cheaper than eating at the places we have been eating.  Or better yet, go with real food from the grocery store..

We have a new central line!!

We woke up early this morning (6:00, which is really early for me!) and drove over to the hospital.  We were checked in and in Pre-Op by 7:00.  The surgeon and anesthesiologist came by and got history and consents and we discussed what was going on. 

By 8:00, he was back in the OR and I was in the cafeteria getting breakfast.

I got paged a few minutes after 9:00, and the surgeon said he was all done, with no problems!  With a central line placement, they go from a location on either the right or left side of the chest.  The catheter is tunneled up into the neck, and then drops down a vein on either side of the neck into the heart.  The surgeon said that he ultrasounded both sides, and the left side was very narrow and thin, but the right side looked good (the line we just pulled out was on the left side).  The right side is actually much easier.

I was called back to recovery around 10:30ish.  He was a little groggy, but very happily took a Popsicle and wanted to watch cartoons.  By 11:30, we were done and they were signing our discharge paperwork, and by noon, we were back in our hotel room!

We weren't sure if they would discharge us after the procedure, so we were prepared either way.  Patrick had some work to do, so while I was at the hospital, he arranged for us to have the room at the hotel for two more nights.  That way, if we had to stay at the hospital, he could stay in the hotel and work.  We were lucky in that we were prepared either way. 

Ryan (and I) took a few hours once we got back to 'rest'.  That means that I slept, while he watched tv.  Then the 3 of us went out for dinner.  We walked around the University Village (which is just a shopping center right next to our hotel), had a good (albeit expensive) dinner and then played at the Microsoft store.  They had about 6 XBox 360's set up, so Ryan just ran over to one, loaded up a game, and was happy as a clam.  Patrick spent about an hour (perhaps 2) talking with one of the sales guys about something technical.  And I pulled up a chair and waited.  And waited.  And waited. 

We finally came back to the hotel, where Ryan enjoyed having access to Cartoon Network (which I absolutely hate, by the way).  I'm totally grateful that we don't have to stay in the hospital.  It's a little weird, thinking that he just had minor surgery.  But I'm grateful.

Tomorrow, we have a clinic appointment in the afternoon.  We probably won't be done with clinic until about 5ish, so, we'll stay tomorrow night as well.

To top off our awesome day, I heard that not only did Allen's Junior High Football team won their game against Geraldine/Highwood.  But, I heard that Allen scored a touchdown!!  Woo hoo!  I hate that I missed it, but I'm so proud of him.  He was flying high when I talked to him on the phone and the only downside is that he had homework to do once he got home.  Oh well, even football players have to do their homework.

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