Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 28, 2012

Outside Temp: 47 F (It was almost like summer today... in the 80's but not too hot.)

What I cooked today:
Potato Salad: I know, this may sound silly, but I've never made potato salad before.  I'm not sure how that happened, but I always figured it was too hard.  I've bought the pre-made stuff at the store, and I actually love potato salad, but I've never made it from scratch... until tonight.  We have so many eggs, that I needed to make something with the hard boiled eggs I made yesterday.  So, I looked up a recipe, boiled my potatoes (with the skins on), and made potato salad.  I feel like I accomplished something today.  Of course, my kids don't really like potato salad, and Connor actually picked the onions and celery out of his, but I don't care.  I liked it!

Burgers: Allen asked for burgers for dinner, so, I thought I'd spoil him.  It also worked out well with our salad!

I like Fridays.  I think they mean more to me now than they ever have.  And, since Allen does not have a game tomorrow morning, it means I get to sleep in tomorrow!  Woo hoo!

After I got the kids on the bus this morning, I worked for a little bit, and then crawled back into bed and slept... Sometime around 10:45, I opened my eyes and realized that I was going to be late to pick up Ryan.  That hasn't happened to me yet, so I was totally embarrassed.  Of course, it's only 11 miles to the school, so I wasn't too late.

Allen had football practice, and I usually pick him up at 6.  So, I was watching the clock and I almost left at 5 to get him, but I figured he'd call if he got done early.  Then, around 5:58, I realized I was going to be late picking him up.  As I pulled into the school at about 6:10, he was sitting on the bench.  It turned out that he had gotten out of practice at 5, but his cell phone was dead, so he couldn't call me.  Ugh, talk about a guilty mom!

He claimed that the burgers made up for it. 

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