Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 55 F (a little warmer today, up to 88, but no complaints... I'd really like some rain.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Green Beans: We had a lot going on, so I didn't get started on dinner until about 9pm.  Once we get back from Seattle, I'm totally going back to having a schedule, so I won't be wondering at 7pm what on earth we are having for dinner.

Canned Peaches: We got 24 lbs of peaches from Bountiful Baskets last week.  I let them ripen on my kitchen table for the first two days, and they were perfect.  Unfortunately, I didn't have time to do anything with them, so they've been in my fridge (hopefully not bruising) for the last few days.  Today, I finally had time to can them.  (of course, I HAD to get them done today, since they may not have lasted until we got back).  I ended up with 9 quarts of canned peaches.  I think I might open up one can next week, just to confirm that they taste good.  I figure we'll have them with dinner or lunch or over cottage cheese... yum!

We spent most of the day relaxing, since tomorrow will be spent in the car for a thousand hours (okay, not really). 

I had some things to take care of, such as my canning of my peaches, but otherwise, it was kind of relaxing. 

I made sure all the kids had their homework done, and we have schedules for next week all set.  I hope that there are no problems while we are gone. 

Wish us luck!!

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