Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23, 2012

Outside Temp: 46 F (it was overcast today, but no rain... we'd really, really like some rain.)

What I cooked today:
Leek and Potato Soup: Patrick has been practically begging for this soup for the last week or so.  I finally gave in an made it.  I had to admit, it was pretty filling (I'm one of those who believe soup is an appetizer, not a meal), and tasty.  I had to borrow Grandma's immersion blender at the end, so I guess I'm adding this to my list of kitchen tools I need to get.  Yummy!

I got some pictures from Grandma of yesterday's homecoming games.

Since we were at Homecoming all day yesterday, Patrick and I got up early and went to church in Belt.  It's kind of nice to do this everyone once in a while, since it gives us an opportunity to see our family there.  We left the kids at home (with Allen), which made church all that nicer. 

Afterwards, we went into Great Falls with Connor.  He needed some new jeans, since apparently, he grew between the start of school and now.  I think that he just hated trying on jeans, and told me the one's we got fit, when they didn't.  He has pants that fit now, so I guess that's all that matters!

After our trip into town, we headed over to the Ice Cream and Pie Social at the Community Center.  This was the first thing we attended when we got into town last year, so it's kind of an anniversary thing for us!  I love the fact that we knew almost everyone there, and we had a great time!  We even picked up our St. Mary's Cookbook, with hundreds of local recipes!  I can't wait to try some of them!

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