Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12, 2012

Outside Temp: 39 F (ahh, to be home in our nice cool state...  Apparently, it was a high of 66 at home today.  It's beginning to look a lot like... )

What I cooked today:
Nothing... we got home too late to make dinner.  I'll have to think of something special tomorrow!

We are home!!  Woo hoo!

We headed out of Seattle around 7am this morning, and with the time change, we rolled into the house around 7:30 this evening (we had to stop in town for milk, since we were totally out!)

The drive was totally non eventful (especially since I DIDN'T hit either of the two deer that jumped in front of the car... I was being very aware!)  Ryan chatted the entire drive, while Patrick and I talked about new projects for the business, new technologies coming out, plans for the future and stuff like that.  After 12 hours in the car (with no Internet!), what else do you do?

We had to laugh when, at one moment we were listening to the radio, and I realized not only what the musician was saying, but what he actually meant.  Which then lead into the discussion of how on earth I could explain such inappropriate innuendo to my son, if he happened to hear the song, and start to sing along.  Oh goodness, I was flabbergasted.  I know that there were plenty of songs during my generation that pushed the 'innuendo' button a little too much, but as a mom, it's really hard.

I'm not big into the 'banning' of music (or pretty much anything) in our house, so I'm not about to say the kids can't listen to the radio.  So, I usually tend to be up front and honest about exactly what the artist is saying.  This has lead to a few really red faces (one particular song used the phrase 'menage a tois', and so I explained what this was... oh boy, that was fun!).  But, I would much rather have the kids know what they are saying, than to sing along happily ignorant (while other people are laughing). 

Anyway, we arrived home without a solution, but I'm sure at some point (in the probably near future, since the song was quite popular on the radio), I'll be explaining yet another inappropriate innuendo to my (almost) 14 year old son.  Hopefully, I'll have a few days to come up with an explanation... other than 'go ask your father.'

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