Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27, 2012

Outside Temp: Low 30's, High 20's (Rain, snow, sleet... all day)

What I cooked today:
Pasta: We had to come up to the Grandparents for dinner, so I raided their stash for pasta.  (yes, mom, we cleaned up afterwards!)  Since they're gone, they got rid of all their perishables (which are currently at our house).  Fortunately, pasta is a quick easy dinner, that doesn't require anything else!

I think I've decided that I like 0 degree snow better than 30 degree snow.  It's cold and wet and cold.  I actually feel colder than I did when it was -10!  Perhaps, that is because when it's -10, you expect it to be cold.  When it's in the 30's, you expect it to be a little warmer, but it's really not!

I know that you are all worried about our chicks.  Especially those who live up here, and know what the weather has been like all day.

Our chicks are fine.  We moved the tarp, so the cage won't be lifted again.  We moved it so that it protects the cage from the wind (the west side), rather than the rain (from the top).  We moved a dog house into their cage, and added a second place for the chicks to stick together and stay warm.  They were fine all day, although they were huddled in their box. 

We went back and forth about moving them back inside or putting them in a shed, but since we didn't set up a place for them in the shed, yet, and there is no light in there, yet, we figured we'd let them stay outside another night.  We tried to move them inside the house with the other chicks, but they've gotten used to the freedom of being outside and immediately tried flying out of their 'pen'.  And the other chicks didn't really take to having them back.  So, they are back outside.  If they survive this, they'll probably be just fine.

On top of that, our house has no water right now.  We lost power around 3:30(ish) for about an hour.  And the owner of the house mentioned that sometimes the water pump needs to be reset after a power outage.  Of course, the water pump is under the house and Patrick really didn't want to crawl under the house in the snow and sleet and dark.  (yes, he could have crawled under there while it was still light out, like anytime before 9pm, but he was playing his new game and couldn't be bothered).  We'll go back home tomorrow morning and try to get it resolved.  Who knew how useful water can be?

Katie had her last basketball game tonight, in Stanford.  She had a great time and really enjoys playing.  The coaches are so good with the kids, even when they pick up the ball and walk about 4 steps before dribbling!  The kids will learn about 'traveling' soon enough.

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