Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 15, 2012

Outside Temp: 30 F (woke up to snow... tapered off to clear and now the snow is mostly gone.)

What I cooked today:
Mediterranean Soup: I made this soup two weeks ago, and it went over pretty well.  Since it was quite cold today, Patrick wanted soup.  I love it because it has no meat, which means I don't have to defrost anything.  And it's made in the crock pot, which is stinking awesome.

Bread: I decided to make a 'Quick Bread' in my bread maker.  The good part is that it's done in about 1 1/2 hours, instead of 3.  The bad part is that it is really dense.  The dense bread isn't bad, and the kids all like it.  It just isn't like regular bread.  No problems, though, it's all gone now.

Allen missed church yesterday because of his track meet, so he and I went into Belt this morning for mass.  Which also means that I was up and dressed before 8am, 4 days in a row!  Wow.  That's totally not me.  It was actually kind of neat to listen to the readings and the homily again.  The homily was a little different, and it still touched me.

After church, we were supposed to have a practice for Confirmation (which will be in about 3 weeks).  I had Patrick get the kids up and over to the church by 9:30.  But the woman who was going to show us what to do was not able to make it.   So, instead of having practice, we just all went into town as a family (minus Ryan, who was more than happy to stay with Grandma and Grandpa).  We had lunch together, and went shopping and hit Home Depot.  (I tried not to cry over the fact that I didn't have my coupon binder and I just know there was a coupon in there for something I got at the store...Argh... paying full.. well... sale price without a coupon just stinks!)  And we still made it home by 2. 

Of course, at 2, after making dinner in the crock pot, I was face down in my bed, fast asleep.  It's been a busy couple of days for me.  And a nap was just awesome.

We finished the day playing a game with the kids.  Katie had been asking to play a game for a few days, and I finally found the time. 

This week is scheduled to be quite busy, with lots of after school things going on... Altar Society, School Board, Music Performance, Basketball, Track.  Oh my.  It's amazing how fast time goes by when you are busy!

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