Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012

Outside Temp: 46 F (a little rainy, a little windy, overcast most of the day)

What I cooked today:
Spaghetti Sauce: I love making this because it's easy and everyone always raves about it.  We brought it up to the Grandparents' house for dinner, and we actually ate it all... like every last drop.  Even after I warned everyone I forgot the olives and the mushrooms.

Our chicks are getting big.  Okay, not all of them, but the Cornish Roasters are getting huge!  It's been 2 weeks.  A whopping 2 weeks.

One of these chicks doesn't belong... :)

Last week, Ryan did really well in school when I wasn't there.  I was hoping that today, he would do well if I left.  So, after PE (where he got to play basketball with the other kids... awesome!), I got him settled with his teacher and I left.  Yes, I drove all the way back home, checked my e-mail, chatted with Patrick, switched a load of laundry, read a little in my book, then headed back to school an hour later. 

Nope, he still had a rough day.  Of course, I could blame it on Monday.  After all, Monday is enough of a reason to have a rough day.  We'll have to see how he does next time.

We had a great dinner up at the Grandparent's house.  Then Grandma and I went to the Altar Society meeting for our church.  It was an enlightening meeting.  Our little church is great and I love being a part of it.  And I pray that things continue to go well.

I also was asked today to substitute again on Wednesday.  I guess that means they like me... they really like me! 

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