Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14, 2012

Outside Temp: 43 F (beautiful... I'm beginning to sound like a broken record... )

What I cooked today:
Ham: I picked up the ham on sale before Easter, so, since I finally had 4 hours straight at home, I thought it was time to cook it!  We brought it up to the Grandparent's place and Grandma made the side dishes.  It turned out awesome and I have plenty of leftovers (score!!).

Allen had his track meet in Lewistown today.  Which meant that we were both up at 6am, getting him ready and over to the school to catch the bus.  I reminded him to bring: money for lunch, his clothes, sweats, an extra pair of socks, water, Gatorade, both sets of shoes (in case his funky 5 toed shoes weren't allowed), etc.  Of course, I forgot to remind him to bring sunscreen.  Silly mom.

I did take a picture of his extreme 'farmer's tan', in which his arms, neck and face are burned, but he asked me not to post it.  It actually wasn't as bad as I've seen, but it still hurt.  A little aloe, and a cold shower and he feels a lot better.

He didn't do too bad in the meet.  He did the "Turbo Javelin" (a blunt tipped javelin... a little safer than a regular javelin), and has decided that if he wants to do this event again, he needs to actually practice it.  (who knew?).  He was quite happy that when he did the 100m and the 200m, he didn't come in last.  He came in second to last, but at least it wasn't last!  Woo hoo!  He did say that about 150m into the 200m, he thought he was going to die, but I told him to expect that, so he just pushed his way through it. 

Mostly, he said he had a great time.  He met a lot of new people and said that everyone was friendly.  Apparently, there were a lot of other teams (as opposed to basketball, where there are only 2 teams).  The next meet is next Saturday, so he has about a week to get better... I'm going to be pushing him to actually practice from now on!

The only part I wasn't prepared for was the time.  He got on the bus at 6:45am.  The meet started in Lewistown around 9am.  He called around 1pm, when he stopped for lunch.  Then called around 4:30, saying he was finally heading home.  I picked him up at Geyser around 6pm.  Wow!  A 12 hour day for a track meet?  So not expecting that.  But, now I'll be prepared for next week!

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