Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

Outside Temp:  38 F (a little breezy, but beautiful today!)

What I cooked today:
nothing... now, I'm just being lazy!

Today was the recovery day from Holy Week and Easter.  We all slept in (the kids had today off school) and spent most of the day just wandering around from room to room, trying not to notice that laundry and dishes really needed to be done.

Spring has sprung, which means that my backyard that used to be filled with snow (okay, it was only filled with snow a few times), is now filled with grass... grass that needs to be mowed.  Our old house in CA didn't have a yard (very intentional), and any landscaping was maintained by the HOA (for which we paid about $200 a month, soooo not worth it).  So, we don't have a lawn mower.  And that grass isn't getting any shorter.

We have been discussing getting a mower, which involves all the usual questions; gas vs electric, riding vs. push, etc.  Of course, our intention is to make our oldest do all the work (why else did we have him?), but I'm expecting a few weekends where whining will occur and we'll relent and do it ourselves (which means Patrick does it, right?).  I guess this is what I asked for when we moved out here... manual labor.

I discussed with Allen the option of offering his services to the community for mowing grass.  He was intrigued, especially when I suggested that people might actually pay him to mow their lawns.  Money?  Woo Hoo!  Sure, sign me up!  I figure we have to get a lawn mower first, and then see if anyone actually needs the services, but it would be something good for him to do, teaching responsibility and work ethics and silly stuff like that.  We'll see how he does the first few times he mows our lawn.  He might stink at it!

We headed up to the Grandparent's house today, to help move some stone.  It was pretty fast and easy when you utilize the hauling power of all four kids, and we were done in no time.  There was one of the parent's contractors working, and she had brought her dog.  Oh my goodness, you'd think the kids had died and gone to heaven.  This dog is so extremely cute and lovable.  He's small but doesn't bark or anything.  The kids ended up laying down on the ground and the dog was hopping over them.  Then he would settle in the spaces between the kids, like he was hunkering down in a trench.  If I could guarantee a dog that great, I might convince my husband to get one... someday. 

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