Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 21, 2012

Outside Temp: 42 F (it was in the 70's today!  Awesome.)

What I cooked today:
Taco Soup: Actually, I didn't do anything.  Patrick made dinner tonight, since I was working so hard.  Of course, he had to keep asking me questions like: how do I defrost meat?  What do I put in the pot?  Is this the only celery we have?  Do I add broth?  How do I make broth?  Are these carrots still good?  How much seasoning do I add?  How much salt do I add?  Is it done yet?  Wow.  I didn't realize that cooking was so hard! 

Allen had a track meet this morning, which meant that I was up at 6am this morning, getting him ready.  It helped that it was just a beautiful sunrise and I didn't have to get out of my pj's. 

Once I got home, at a few minutes before 7am, I was wide awake, so I worked for a few hours.  Around 9am, I realized I was tired and went back to bed. 

Around noon, I realized that we had to get up and ready for church.  It was interesting to actually watch Ryan, instead of passing him off to Grandma (I've gotten spoiled in a very short time!).  He wasn't bad, although he did ask to go to the bathroom right in the middle of the homily.  We made him wait and he was fine, but he did ask about 20 more times. 

After church, I got back to work.  It's fun to have a new project to play with.  And to know that I have people depending on me, makes me work harder. 

Allen got home around 5pm.  He said he did fine, although he missed a few events.  He claimed that he signed up for two events that occurred at the same time.  I figure he probably just got distracted and forgot to watch the time.  He didn't come in last... woo hoo!

We have church again tomorrow, for our confirmation class.  And then it's on to Monday... my weekend is just flying by!

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