Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 31 F (Another beautiful day... warm enough that the snow has started melting, but cold enough that there is still some snow, making everything beautiful!)

What I cooked today:
Nothing... So spoiled today!


What a wonderful day!  We started the day with morning mass at the church.  Granted, we went to bed sometime around 2am, and woke up around 7:15 for mass at 8, which means I ended up with about 5 hours of sleep.  But it was totally worth it! 

We allowed the kids to sleep in (we woke up Allen, to keep an ear out in case Ryan woke up), and headed over to church with just the adults.  It was kind of strange to not have Ryan saying the 'Our Father' in his very loud and distinctive voice.  But it was also kind of nice to be able to fully focus on the Word and the homily without the distractions of children.  And, since they went with us to Holy Thursday, Good Friday AND the Easter Vigil last night, I was content to let them skip the morning mass. 

After church, we headed back home, got the kids ready, and headed over to Patrick's Great-Aunt's home in Helena for Easter Supper.  We decided to take the 'scenic route' (through White Sulphur Springs), which was just lovely.  It took about 30-45 minutes longer, but it was so worth it!  We saw a Bald Eagle, deer, antelope, and other wildlife (not to mention the thousands of cows with their calves!), along with amazing views of the mountains.  It also included a great conversation with Allen about the benefits of cattle guards.  And no, those are not two armed men standing in your field protecting your livestock. 

In Helena, we were blessed with a wonderful meal and great family, full of stories and conversation.  The tables were set with beautiful china and the food was delicious.  I love how the family sets the table with place cards, so instead of Patrick and I sitting with the kids, we sat next to people we haven't seen in a while.  It's great that even the kids were sitting next to their great aunts and uncles and cousins.  And, as Patrick's great-aunt told me, we don't discuss politics or religion.  No fighting at all! 

After supper, Allen joined the older kids in hiding the Easter eggs.  Then, the younger kids went hunting.  Connor was great, since after he grabbed about 10 eggs, he proceeded to re-hide them so that Ryan and the younger kids could keep 'hunting'. 

(I didn't get very many pictures, but these both came out good.  The rest were blurred or of people's backs.  I need to learn how to take pictures better...)

During the drive back home (on the highway, so it only took about 2 hours), we made more plans about the greenhouse Patrick wants to build, and plans for our (now) 28 chicks.  Which led us to wonder if the heat lamp had fallen and burned down the house.  Don't you love how those thoughts enter your mind, when you are least able to do anything about it?  Hmmm, it's not our house yet, but a lot of Patrick's work is on his computer.  And we didn't get around to getting that 'Renter's Insurance'.  Maybe we ought to do that sometime. 

Fortunately, the house, and the chicks were just fine.  They were warm and toasty, which is good since I melted our thermometer last night, checking the internal temperature of my cake.  (okay, that's a stupid story, but we had one of those cooking thermometers, with the plastic top and digital display.   We had been using it in the room with the chicks to make sure they were warm enough, but I needed it, so I cleaned it and used it in my cake. You are NOT supposed to put them in an oven, but I kind of forgot that, and left it in the oven for about 10 minutes... at 350 degrees.  When I went and checked, it was melted.  Lovely.  Fortunately, it didn't hurt the cake... and that's all that's important!)  So, the point was that I didn't have a thermometer in the chick room anymore, so we don't know exactly what temp they are.  But they were warm and playing and none of them are dead, yet.  We'll see how things go tomorrow!

(oh, and since I know you were wondering, the carrot cake came out great!)

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