Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012

Outside Temp: 51 F (a high of 85... but there was a great breeze, so I think it was actually cooler than that.  Really pretty, clear skies!)

What I cooked today:
Pasta: I was so tired after 'work' that I had the kids make dinner... that always turns into 'Pasta'.  No problem, I didn't have to cook!

I substituted again today.  This time I got to sub for the History and PE teacher.  Yea, I can already hear the laughs.  No, I didn't run with the kids, although I did spend a lot of time in the gym.  I did walk around, a lot.  And I did sweat.  Ugh, that sucks, by the way. 

The kids were great (or as good as a bunch of high schooler can be), although a few did need a little encouragement every once it a while to stay on task.  I got to do PE with pretty much every kid in school (except the 11th and 12th graders), so that was pretty awesome.  For history, we did US history (the election of 1824 and 1828, to be exact) which was an amazing time in history.  Unfortunately, they already had an assignment, so I didn't get to lecture on the topic.  I did spend some time with individual students, helping them to understand specific events.  I love that part!

Our chicks are still alive.  We had to remind them around 10pm last night to go into the box we had set up, instead of sleeping outside.  Once they got that idea, they were fine.  We checked the thermometer in their little box a few times last night, and it stayed around the high 60's, low 70's the whole time, even though it was in the 50's outside.  Amazing what body heat can do!

We might have rain or snow later this week, but once that's over, we might start introducing a few of the other chicks outside.  I can't believe it's already that time!  Patrick is looking into plans to build a chicken coop, but the structure we already have is working fine for now. 

I get to substitute again tomorrow, so that will be fun.  It will be for a teacher I have already sub'd for, so I'm already aware of what I need to do, and how it will all work.  Yea, I'm excited!

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