Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012

Outside Temp: 47 F (ahhh, the storm has passed, for now, and it's clear and beautiful!)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta: The old stand-by.  Katie actually asked for burgers tonight.  And I had some ground beef defrosted that needed to be eaten.  No complaints from the peanut gallery, so I guess that's a good thing!

Ugh, Mondays are rough for me.  I (currently) have to drive back and forth to school 3 times... I get to school at 8:00, for Ryan's speech therapy, and finally left around 10:30.  Then I was back there by 1:30 for his school (and to talk about the web site), and finally left around 4:00.  Then, it was back again at 5:30, to get Allen from track practice.  It's only 11 miles, but still... 

We had Ryan's IEP today, to discuss how we will be doing school next year.  They think he might be ready for the regular class room, for at least a little bit of time during the day.  He should be there from 8am until 11am every day, which would just be awesome.  He'll still work with a special ed teacher for math and reading, but he'll have recess and group time with the regular K-2 class.  I'm really excited!

After school, I had to talk with the Superintendent about the web site for a little bit, so I asked Katie and Connor to watch Ryan in the yard outside the school.  About 30 minutes later, I went out, and there was no one there!  Their backpacks were still there, but no sight of them.  I called, and there was no answer.  So, I hopped in my car, to go look for them.  As I pulled out of the school, I saw Katie about 2-3 blocks away, waving.  Apparently, they were chasing a balloon and wanted to go for a walk.  So, they just walked down the street a few blocks.  Strangely, I wasn't worried.  Geyser is a pretty small area, and as long as they stayed off the highway, and they stayed together, there wasn't much trouble they could get into.  I did tell them that, in the future, they needed to let me know if they wanted to go for a walk.  And then I laughed.  I LOVE it up here!

The chicks are doing really well, especially since it's warmed up a little.  We are talking about finally moving the indoor chicks outside.  They're getting big and the location we have them is just too small.  I'll try to get a picture tomorrow.

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